Birds are the only creatures with feathers, and the vast majority of feathered species can fly. This characteristic distinguishes birds from other species. There are 10,000 species of birds in the world, among which 11 species have been voted as the most colorful, enhancing the beauty of nature.
The Most Beautiful Birds on Earth
- 1. Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)
- 2. Flamingo (Phoenicopteridae)
- 3. Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula)
- 4. Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
- 5. Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)
- 6. Kingfisher (Halcyonidae)
- 7. Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris)
- 8. Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus)
- 9. Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao)
- 10. Peacock (Pavo)
1. Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus)
The Asian Golden Pheasant is raised as a cage bird. Its homeland is in the mountainous forests of Western China, but there are also wild populations in England and a few other places.
2. Flamingo (Phoenicopteridae)
Flamingos live in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. They are often seen standing on one leg, a behavior that remains a mystery. Their tongues were considered a delicacy in ancient Rome. Miners working in the Andes hunt flamingos, believing that their fat cures tuberculosis.
3. Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula)
The Baltimore Oriole is a small bird with alternating black and yellow feathers, weighing about 34g and measuring 18cm in length. As one of the most colorful birds, the oriole is not only beautiful but also has an enchanting song. It is often referred to in the phrase “softly like a golden oriole” to describe a woman.
4. Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
You may already know why this bird is called the Northern Cardinal. This vibrant red bird, adorned with a red cap, is small, measuring about 21-23 cm in length. Males have a black mask on their faces, while females sport a gray mask.
5. Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)
The Wood Duck is primarily a migratory bird, belonging to the family of waterfowl. They are always seen in pairs, symbolizing happy couples. Males are more colorful than females, exhibiting a harmonious blend of colors with red eyes. Females are less vibrant but have white markings around their eyes and neck.
6. Kingfisher (Halcyonidae)
There are about 90 species of kingfishers. The shape of a kingfisher is somewhat unbalanced: a large head, long sharp beak, short legs, and a short tail. They are known for their beautiful plumage. Kingfishers have keen eyesight and extraordinary diving speed. This species is found worldwide.
7. Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris)
The Painted Bunting is considered the most beautiful bird in North America, resembling a palette of colors from an artist, leading some to believe they are painted rather than a “creation” of nature. They are adorned with bright colors, making them easily spotted and hunted due to their lack of camouflage.
8. Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus)
This bird lives in the forests of South America, ranging from southern Mexico to Honduras. They measure about 50 cm in length, with green around the eyes. Their large beak is also green, with orange edges and a red tip. Though the toucan’s beak looks heavy, it is surprisingly light due to its spongy structure.
9. Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao)
The Scarlet Macaw is large with a mix of vibrant colors in its plumage. Its homeland is in the tropical areas of South America, particularly Brazil and Peru. They were likely first known to biologists when Portuguese explorers brought them back from Macau, which is how they got their name.
10. Peacock (Pavo)
Peacocks are large birds belonging to the pheasant family. Male peacocks are known for their stunning plumage. When displaying, the male fans out its tail like a beautiful fan. In many Asian countries, peacocks are raised in households similarly to chickens for their meat and eggs.
11. Birds of Paradise
Birds of Paradise are found in New Guinea and surrounding islands. Two other birds in the family, known as “manucodes” and “riflebirds,” are found in Australia. Most Birds of Paradise inhabit tropical forests (including rainforests, swamps, and moss forests), with some species even detected in coastal mangrove forests.
The vibrant plumage of Birds of Paradise makes them prime targets for hunters, contributing to the extinction of some species in this family. Indigenous tribes in New Guinea often use the feathers of these birds in their clothing and rituals.
For centuries, the feathers of these birds have been widely used in Europe as jewelry for women. This has resulted in the slaughter of a significant number of Birds of Paradise. Additionally, deforestation has destroyed their habitats, leading these birds to be on the protected species list in many countries.
Birds of Paradise are found in New Guinea and surrounding islands.
Birds of Paradise are known for their unique dances that enhance their stunning appearance. These male dances not only attract the attention of females but also captivate onlookers nearby.
Furthermore, male Birds of Paradise spend most of their lives trying to attract mates. They build their nests from soft materials such as leaves, ferns, and vines. This species often places its nest in tree hollows.
The number of eggs laid by Birds of Paradise varies by species size. Larger species typically lay only one egg, while smaller species may lay 2 to 3 eggs per clutch. Eggs hatch after 16 to 22 days. Subsequently, the chicks leave the nest at 16 to 30 days old.