The Top 13 Smartest Animals in the World Will Surprise You. People often say “dumb as a pig,” but that’s not the case. Pigs are actually among the smartest animals on the planet.
Surprising Facts About the Smartest Animals in the World
13. Parrots
Parrots are native to tropical and subtropical regions. You’ve probably seen parrots mimic words and engage in conversation, which clearly demonstrates their intelligence. Parrots can easily learn almost anything humans teach them or frequently say in their presence. They enjoy eating seeds, buds, fruits, and nuts, and they can solve various complex problems.
12. Dogs
Dogs are known as man’s best friend and are incredibly intelligent. They can learn many different commands and repeat actions on cue. They can easily understand human emotions—whether we are sad, happy, or angry. Dogs are so smart that they can even behave in certain ways to soothe their owners when they are upset or distressed.
11. Goats
Scientists have long believed that goats are much smarter than their humble reputation suggests. Ultimately, a group of researchers in Australia decided to put these animals to the test. They prepared a tool box with fruit inside. To eat the fruit, goats had to use their teeth to pull a rope, which would activate a lever that they had to lift with their mouths. If successful, they would get to eat the fruit.
Out of 12 goats, 9 were successful after about four attempts. When the researchers repeated the experiment with all the goats 10 months later, most still remembered how to do it.
10. Rats
In 10th place are rats, an intelligent species often regarded as “unclean” in Western cultures.
In recent extensive research, laboratory rats discovered shortcuts, loopholes, and escaped from areas designed by some of the top scientists today.
In Chinese culture, rats are particularly revered for their cleverness and resourcefulness. They are found on every continent on Earth except Antarctica.
9. Octopuses
This invertebrate is famous for its ability to unscrew jar lids. The octopus is one of the smartest creatures living in the ocean. There is still much that science has yet to uncover about this animal, but researchers are continually making new discoveries regarding the impressive abilities of octopuses.
They possess remarkable navigation and short-term memory capabilities, allowing them to “unlock” maze games. But why does an animal belonging to the same class as snails have such incredible intelligence? It may be due not only to the inherent brainpower of mollusks but also to a combination of strength, agility, and curiosity.
8. Pigeons
Most major cities in North America have many pigeons, but many people regard them as “nuisances.” However, pigeons are very intelligent birds, which is why they have been the subject of countless scientific experiments.
For example, pigeons can recognize hundreds of images they saw years ago. They can also identify themselves in mirrors; they have been taught to perform a series of actions to distinguish themselves from their mirror images.
7. Squirrels
The stubbornness and perfect memory of squirrels make them the bane of gardeners. Most squirrels have impressive tricks and strategies that enhance their survival skills.
Firstly, these intelligent animals have adapted to living alongside humans; they eat poultry food, munch on garden flowers, and scavenge any food scraps around. They can also store food to consume over several months.
Researchers believe they possess the ability to cleverly and intricately hide food like a potential thief.
6. Pigs
Although known as greedy and “dirty” animals, pigs are actually highly intelligent. Both wild and domesticated pigs can adapt to many different ecological conditions. They are at least as trainable as cats and dogs.
Pigs may be the smartest domesticated animals in the world. Researchers have found that pet pigs can use mirrors to find food and trick other pigs to gain more food.
In the U.S., pigs are popular pets, and furthermore, they are quite easy to train. Unlike most hoofed animals that only graze, pigs are omnivorous. Their diet can sometimes include insects and small vertebrates.
5. Crows
Crows are often called “streetwise” birds that cross streets regardless of traffic. However, crows and other members of the corvid family understand better than humans the importance of waiting for traffic signals.
Urban crows often collect nuts and then place them on the road for cars to break the shells. They patiently wait for the traffic lights to change before returning to the road to retrieve their tasty treats—an impressive example of animal ingenuity.
Crows can also communicate with local residents, play games with them, and even know how to “deceive”. Some scientists believe crows are even smarter than primates. Researchers from Canada and Scotland have shown that black crows use logical thinking to navigate their environment better than many large primates.
4. Elephants
Not only do they have large ears and the ability to knock down huge trees, but good memory reveals that elephants are quite elegant and cultured animals. They can clean up food and use tools in nature in various ways. Elephants know how to use tools such as sticks to scratch themselves or palm leaves to swat flies.
They can also follow human commands under captivity. Elephants are very caring towards family members and even other animal species.
3. Orangutans
Large primates are considered the most intelligent animals after humans. While humans may have biases on this subject, the intellectual capabilities of these large primates are undeniably remarkable.
Among them, orangutans stand out as animals with superior brain capacity. They possess a culture and a communication system. They even have the ability to use natural tools.
Orangutans live in scattered groups and form strong social bonds. This may be the key to enhancing their awareness. Additionally, female orangutans stay with their young for many years, teaching them all the necessary skills to survive in the wild.
2. Dolphins
Have you ever wondered why dolphins and whales are such stars in most aquariums? It’s because they are smarter than most other creatures on the planet.
Dolphins are social animals. They have been observed surfing, racing, towing lines, and whistling… They possess a complex “language” that humans are beginning to decipher. Dolphins can use tools in nature and can learn a series of behaviors upon human request.
Like many other intelligent animals, female dolphins stay with their offspring for many years and teach them survival tricks.
1. Chimpanzees
Topping the list of the smartest animals is a large primate: the chimpanzee. Their impressive intellectual abilities have long captured human interest.
They can create and use tools, hunt in groups, and solve various complex problems. They can also learn sign language to communicate with humans and, based on this, they can remember people’s names over many years, even without meeting them.
However, perhaps the most remarkable ability of chimpanzees is their use of symbols for objects and the ability to combine symbols in sequence to convey a complex idea.