Life sometimes surprises us with strange events that cannot be easily explained by theory. In this article, we will share some of the most astonishing coincidences that have occurred around the world, which still lack reasonable explanations.
Top 20 Incredible Coincidences Around the World
- 1. The Strange Similarity Between Enzo Ferrari and Mesut Özil
- 2. The Titanic Incident
- 3. Neighbors from a Century Ago
- 4. The Tragedy at Hoover Dam
- 5. The Coincidences in the Biographies of Lincoln and Kennedy
- 6. The First and Last Soldiers
- 7. The Rumor of Edgar Allan Poe’s Time Machine
- 8. The Unlucky Brothers
- 9. Anthony Hopkins and a Rare Book
- 10. A Special Name for the Roman Empire
- 11. A Prediction of Donald Trump’s Presidential Victory in The Simpsons
- 12. Cars That “Find Each Other”
- 13. Trivia Questions Coinciding with Military Codes
- 14. A Couple Travels Wherever There Is Terrorism
- 15. Finding a Missing Sibling Living Next Door After Many Years
- 16. A Father and Son Lost for Years Appearing Together in a Photograph
- 17. Two Women with Shared Fates
- 18. The Strange Case of Eleanor Rigby
- 19. The Connection Between Mark Twain and Halley’s Comet
- 20. King Louis XVI and the Unlucky Date of the 21st
1. The Strange Similarity Between Enzo Ferrari and Mesut Özil
Enzo Ferrari, the founder of the famous car company Ferrari, passed away in 1988. About a month later, football player Mesut Özil was born. Looking at this portrait, you might think they are twins. However, they are not related at all!
2. The Titanic Incident
In 1898, 14 years before the sinking of the Titanic, author Morgan Robertson wrote a novel titled “Futility,” which tells the story of a fictional ship named Titan that meets a tragic fate. Strangely, both the fictional ship and the Titanic were described as unsinkable, had similar technical specifications, lacked the same number of lifeboats, and both sank after colliding with an iceberg in the North Atlantic… Is this a prophecy? After the Titanic disaster, the book was republished with a different title.
3. Neighbors from a Century Ago
Composer George Handel was a “neighbor” of guitarist Jimi Hendrix, both of whom were very famous figures in the music world. Although they lived two centuries apart, they were indeed “neighbors” since Handel lived at 25 Brook Street, London, while Hendrix lived at 23 Brook Street. They were both artists capable of significantly influencing the development of music in their respective eras, making this a rare coincidence.
4. The Tragedy at Hoover Dam
One of the first casualties during the construction of Hoover Dam was George Tierney, who died on December 20, 1922. The last person to die during the construction was Patrick Tierney, George’s son… also on December 20.
5. The Coincidences in the Biographies of Lincoln and Kennedy
One of the many strange coincidences in history involves two U.S. presidents: Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy:
- Both were assassinated by a gunshot fired from behind on a Friday, just before a holiday (Lincoln was shot right before Easter; Kennedy the night before Thanksgiving).
- Both had four children.
- Both had a friend named Billy Graham.
- President Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln. President Lincoln had a secretary named John.
- Their successors were both vice presidents named Johnson, both from the South and members of the Democratic Party.
6. The First and Last Soldiers
The graves of the first and last British soldiers who died in World War I are only 6 meters apart, facing each other.
7. The Rumor of Edgar Allan Poe’s Time Machine
In Edgar Allan Poe’s book “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket,” it tells the story of four sailors who, after their ship sinks, are forced to eat a cabin boy named Richard Parker to survive.
46 years later, a real ship sank, and the survivors recounted that they had eaten a cabin boy named… Richard Parker. This led to rumors that the famous author possessed a time machine!
8. The Unlucky Brothers
In July 1975, 17-year-old Erskine Lawrence Ebbin from Bermuda was riding his motorcycle when he was struck by a taxi carrying passengers. Almost a year earlier, Erskine’s brother, also 17 at the time, had died in a similar accident involving the same taxi and the same passengers.
9. Anthony Hopkins and a Rare Book
Once, actor Anthony Hopkins needed a book to help him prepare for a role in the film The Girl from Petrovka, written by George Feifer. He could not find the book anywhere but then coincidentally found a copy on the subway.
When Hopkins met Feifer (the author), he mentioned that his last copy had been lent to a friend and lost on a subway train!
10. A Special Name for the Roman Empire
Rome was the foundation of the ancient Roman Empire, according to legend founded by Romulus and Remus. Romulus later became the first king of Rome. Coincidentally, the last ruler of the Western Roman Empire was named Romulus Augustulus. It can be said that this was one of the most powerful empires in the ancient world, beginning and ending with the unique name “Romulus.”
11. A Prediction of Donald Trump’s Presidential Victory in The Simpsons
The creators of The Simpsons created an episode in 2000 that jokingly portrayed Donald Trump becoming the President of the United States. They probably never thought it would become a reality! In 2015, the producers aired a new episode titled “Trumptastic Voyage,” predicting that Trump would win the election.
12. Cars that “Find Each Other”
In 1895 in the state of Ohio, USA, there were only two known automobiles, and somehow these two cars collided. Unfortunately, at that time, car accidents were not officially recorded, so the official records of this incident no longer exist.
13. Fun Puzzles Corresponding with Military Codes
Former teacher Leonard Dawes compiled crossword puzzles for the London Daily Telegraph for two years. In May 1944, many people discovered that Dawes’ puzzles contained codes related to the two largest landings in American D-Day history on the beaches of Normandy, France. Over two weeks, most of the crosswords presented by Dawes contained secret codes such as Juno, Overlord, Sword, and Mulberry, which only close officials of General Eisenhower were aware of.
The British security and intelligence agency (MI5) suspected Dawes of being a German spy and detained and interrogated him. However, after a short period, they released Dawes due to the lack of evidence of espionage, determining that it was merely random selections.
14. A Couple’s Travels Lead to Terror
Hijackers crashed into the Twin Towers on 9/11 in New York, USA.
Jason and Jenny Cairns-Lawrence from Birmingham experienced three horrific terrorist attacks over seven years. On September 11, 2001, the couple was visiting New York when hijackers attacked the Twin Towers, killing over 3,000 people. In July 2005, while traveling in London, a series of suicide bombings occurred on the subway and buses, resulting in 52 deaths. Jason and Jenny continued their travels to Mumbai in October 2008 and witnessed a bloody terrorist attack there. In an interview, Mrs. Cairns-Lawrence stated: “It is a strange coincidence that these attacks happened when we were in those cities.”
15. Finding a Missing Sibling Living Next Door
At just three months old, Rose Davies was adopted by a family. Growing up in Garndiffaith, Wales, Rose discovered that she had three long-lost biological siblings. While she easily found her brothers Sid and John, her brother Chris remained missing. By chance, she discovered that Chris and his adoptive family lived right across the street from her.
16. A Father and Son Separated for Years Appear Together in a Photo
A photo of Mr. Dick’s family, with Lisa appearing just behind.
In 2007, Michael Dick and his family traveled across England searching for his daughter Lisa, 31, with whom he had lost contact about ten years earlier. The Suffolk Free Press agreed to help by publishing a missing person notice for his daughter. They used a photo of Mr. Dick with his family taken in a town for the article. The missing daughter accidentally saw the information and reunited with her family. However, Lisa discovered a remarkable coincidence; she also appeared in the newspaper photo, right behind her father and sisters.
17. Two Women with Similar Fates
This coincidence is even stranger than stories in novels. Two women named Barbara Forrest and Mary Ashford were victims of similar crimes in a small town in Erdington, England, but 157 years apart. Forrest and Mary share the same birthday and both met their tragic ends at the age of 20. In both cases, the perpetrator raped and strangled the victims to death, disposing of their bodies about 300 meters from their homes. Police discovered the bodies of the two unfortunate women on the same date, May 27, but one in 1817 and the other in 1974. Authorities arrested two suspects believed to be involved in the cases, both named Thornton, who ultimately were acquitted.
18. The Strange Case of Eleanor Rigby
For fans, the song “Eleanor Rigby” is considered a timeless classic by the legendary band The Beatles. Behind this song lies a remarkable coincidence.
According to reports, Paul McCartney named his character after actress Eleanor Bron and a shop in Bristol named Rigby & Evens Ltd. However, this explanation did not satisfy fans, as in the 1980s, a gravestone bearing the name Eleanor Rigby was discovered in the grounds of St. Peter’s Church in Woolton, Liverpool.
Interestingly, this is also where John Lennon met Paul McCartney after John invited Paul to join the Quarrymen, the precursor to the legendary Beatles, in 1957.
19. The Connection of Mark Twain and Halley’s Comet
Astronomers state that Halley’s Comet passes by Earth every 76 years. In 1835, this event coincided exactly with Mark Twain’s birth. The author predicted in 1909:
“I came in with Halley’s Comet in 1835, and when it comes again, I expect to go out with it.” Indeed, he passed away in 1910, the same year Halley’s Comet passed by Earth.
20. King Louis XVI and the Unlucky 21st
When King Louis XVI was born, an astrologer warned that the 21st would be an unlucky day for him. Indeed, on June 21, 1791, the French Revolution broke out, and he was captured along with the Queen. On September 21, 1791, France abolished the monarchy and officially declared itself the French Republic. Ultimately, on January 21, 1793, King Louis XVI was executed.