Few would expect that the simple tips below are the nemesis of snakes, causing them to flee from us.
Simple Ways to Repel Snakes
We know that summer is the breeding season for insects and a time for snakes and centipedes to escape the heat. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people share their panic upon discovering a snake wandering in their home or curled up in a corner, inside the washing machine…
Everyone must be startled and panicked when seeing this scene.
Recently, residents in Tien Giang were extremely frightened when witnessing a snake over 1 meter long wriggling in the bathroom of a local resident’s home.
This caused considerable worry and panic among many. Therefore, let’s quickly grasp the measures to keep snakes out of your home to protect the health and lives of yourself and your loved ones.
1. Sprinkle Arsenic Sulfide Powder
Arsenic sulfide (scientific name: arsenic sulfide) is considered the nemesis of snakes. They will flee immediately upon smelling this substance.
In reality, this is a naturally occurring ore, widely distributed on the surface of the earth. In nature, arsenic combines with oxygen, chlorine, and sulfur to form a complex inorganic arsenic compound, which is quite toxic.
Arsenic sulfide powder.
Arsenic sulfide is almost insoluble in water, and if ingested or inhaled by humans, it can affect the stomach and digestive enzymes.
In particular, inhaling large quantities can lead to poisoning. Therefore, when sprinkling this powder around the corners of your home, you need to wear gloves and a mask, avoiding contact with food or water sources. After use, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly. Due to its danger, you should only use this method in emergencies.
2. Plant Snake-Repelling Plants
Few know that some plants not only beautify and decorate your home but also help repel dangerous animals.
Some examples include: chives, lemongrass, garlic chives… these are plants that will cause snakes to “steer clear” of your home from afar. Notably, the red-tailed green snake is particularly sensitive to smells, so the effect of planting these plants will be even greater.
Chives have a pungent essential oil that snakes are very afraid of.
Specifically, chives belong to the onion family, commonly referred to as Chinese chives or garlic chives. This is a special spice due to its essential oil in the bulb and leaves, which has a stronger fragrance and spiciness compared to regular onions/garlic. Therefore, when detecting the scent from afar, snakes will find ways to avoid approaching.
Garlic chives…
Garlic chives are a type of climbing plant with purple flowers, sweet taste, used to cool the body and prevent rashes… and are a good sedative. However, due to the very strong, unpleasant odor of its leaves, even stronger than garlic, snakes will avoid areas where this plant is grown.
Or cassava, which has an unpleasant smell – a nemesis for snakes.
The third plant that is quite familiar to us is cassava. The sap exuded from the cassava plant has an unpleasant smell that makes snakes afraid and keeps them away.
3. Clean Your Home
Snakes prefer dark, cool places. Therefore, to prevent snakes from unexpectedly dwelling in your home, you should clean dark areas such as under the bed, under cabinets, etc. regularly. Additionally, pay attention to areas around water tanks, bathtubs, and washing machines, as these are also cool places where snakes like to hide.
You should clean dark areas such as under the bed, under cabinets, etc.
This will leave snakes with no place to hide and also allow you to quickly detect the “illegal” intrusion of this dangerous creature.
Additionally, the items in your house should also be organized neatly, avoiding creating damp, dark places that serve as excellent shelters for these reptiles.
4. Keep Dogs or Cats
Keeping a dog or cat not only serves to guard the house and provide entertainment… but they also help you repel snakes.
If a snake appears, these pets will help you detect it early.
When a snake appears, these animals will alert you so you can detect the presence of the uninvited guest.
While snakes might be scared and flee, they can sometimes attack pets. Nevertheless, when noticing any abnormal behavior, you should check thoroughly to prevent any unexpected danger.
5. Use Simple Kitchen Ingredients to Repel Snakes
Surely many will be surprised that you can completely repel snakes using ingredients easily found in your kitchen. Spices such as onions, garlic, and chives…. are strong-smelling spices that stimulate the sense of smell. Therefore, snakes are very afraid of these odors.
So how can you repel snakes from your home using kitchen ingredients? It’s quite simple. You just need to take 10 chives, crush them and mix with 1 garlic bulb, 10 shallots, and a bit of shredded tobacco, crush them together, and place in a cloth bag to hang around the house or carry with you. The medicinal smell will drive the snakes away.
This is considered an effective and very convenient way to repel red-tailed green snakes, especially during the season when they are rampant.
What to Do When You Spot a Snake in Your Home?
Snakes are reptiles that prefer to hide in damp, cool, and enclosed spots.
Snakes are reptiles that prefer to hide in damp, cool, and enclosed spots. Therefore, if you discover a snake in your home, it is simply looking for a place to hide, so do not panic.
- The first thing to do is stay calm and find a way to “gently deal” with it to drive it out of the house.
If you spot a snake on the floor, you can use a thick blanket to cover it.
- Find a long stick or broom handle to gently coax it away.
- If you find the snake on the floor, you can cover it with a thick blanket. The snake will feel safe in the darkness and will be less aggressive. Then, find a heavy object to weigh down the edges of the blanket so the snake cannot escape.
If the snake is in a corner or drawer, just leave it alone.
- If you encounter a snake in a hidden corner, such as in a drawer or a closet, it’s best to leave it alone. Move everyone away and seek help from a professional snake catcher or call a wildlife rescue team.
- A common situation in mountainous areas is encountering a venomous snake in your garden. In this case, do not attempt to kill it. When feeling threatened, snakes may attack humans.
Use a long stick or a high-pressure water hose to drive it away from your home. If that doesn’t work, seek assistance.
Ways to Prevent Snakes from Returning
Although you may have successfully driven the snake out of your home, it can be difficult to predict whether it will return. Therefore, take proactive measures to keep them from coming back:
Regularly trim trees and clear thick bushes. This helps prevent the creation of shelter spaces for snakes.
Eliminate any food sources for snakes, which typically include mice, crickets, and various insects. To deter snakes from entering your home, ensure that there are no mice present. Keep your house clean and avoid leaving leftover food outside to prevent attracting mice into your home.
Seal any holes in your house with caulk or expanding foam. Cracks or gaps can easily become hiding spots for snakes, and sealing them will leave the snakes with no safe place to hide. They will not return if they cannot find a secure shelter.