These inventions may seem quite ordinary in today’s life, but they were once considered associated with “the devil.”
1. Fork
The fork originated in the West and, along with the knife and spoon, is an essential part of the international dining table. However, few know that forks first appeared in Greece, where they had multiple tines and resembled a miniature rake.
Image of early forks at the time of their invention.
By the 7th century, the fork became commonly used in the Middle East, but many still believed that using it for eating was an offense to the gods and that those who used forks would be punished by God.
Forks are commonly used in modern meals, especially in Western countries.
Writer Thomas Coryat praised the use of forks for eating as hygienic and convenient, but many mocked him, even calling him Satan.
2. Telephone
Today, the telephone is considered a “must-have item” for many, yet few know that since its inception, the telephone has not been widely supported. The elderly feared electric shocks from touching it, while men viewed the telephone as an enemy, fearing that their wives would spend all day gossiping with it in hand.
The telephone has become an essential device in today’s life.
In Sweden, it was believed that the telephone was a tool of the devil, and telephone lines could lead the souls of demons into the human world. Nevertheless, today the telephone has proven its utility, effectively serving its role in communication and connecting the world.
3. Musical Instruments
Many believe that Satan is often associated with “evil spirits.”
Muslims believe that due to jealousy of David’s singing in the Bible, Satan created musical instruments, thus rendering them as evil objects. Some Islamic schools even claim that musical instruments cause ailments such as ulcers, diabetes, and madness, hindering spiritual and moral progress.
4. Dice
A pair of dice.
During the Middle Ages, many missionaries believed that dice were created by the devil. Dominican preacher Gabriel de Barletta asserted that God invented one of the letters of the alphabet, while the devil created dice as a symbol of moral decay.
5. Soccer
Soccer is considered the king of sports.
Today, soccer is regarded as the king of sports, but in the past, Nigerian missionary Evang Funmilayo Adebayo claimed it was a form of idol worship by Satan that encouraged immoral behavior, violence, gambling, and drinking. She stated: “You love soccer because the demons have taken control of you. Everyone in the world is possessed by demons.”
6. Theater
What led ancient people to believe that the stage was a “sinful product of the devil”? (Image: Internet).
Theater is a place that showcases the artistic essence of human civilization, but around the 17th century, many believed that theater was a sinful invention of the devil.
At that time, many scripts, dialogues, and plays were printed on high-quality paper, and many disagreed with this “waste.” They believed that actors and playwrights were merely lowly elements in society, such as “thugs, drunkards, prostitutes, and atheists,” hiding under the beautiful facade of artists, while theatrical performances were considered acts of demon worship.
7. Tobacco
In ancient times, it was believed that the devil influenced people to smoke. (Image: Internet).
Once addicted to tobacco, it is very difficult for people to quit. In ancient times, it was believed that the devil influenced people to smoke, leading them to indulge in that deadly smoke and making it impossible to break free. Smoking was once considered such a disgusting habit that smokers in sacred places in Russia and the Middle East faced punishment.