According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), during natural disasters such as storms and floods, individuals should reinforce their homes or seek safe shelter. At the same time, it is crucial to prepare essential supplies to protect the health and safety of yourself and your family until the storm or flood has passed.
In reality, a passing storm can cut off clean water and power supplies to your area. Those living in flood-prone regions often find it difficult to evacuate due to flooded or blocked roads, which can be very dangerous. Therefore, upon receiving weather forecasts of an impending storm, you need to immediately prepare an emergency water supply, food, medication, safety equipment, and essential personal items.
A passing storm can cut off clean water and power supplies to your area. (Photo: News).
Preparing Emergency Water Supplies
Ensure that you have at least 20 liters of water per person (enough to last 3 to 5 days). Make sure your drinking water is stored in filled containers or tanks. If you do not have a tank, it is advisable to gather additional small containers for clean water. It is particularly important to ensure you have enough drinking water to survive.
Preparing Emergency Food Supplies
Ensure you have a supply of non-perishable food for 3 to 5 days, such as canned goods, ready-to-eat meals, or quick-cook items. If you have young children, make sure you have enough food for them or formula if necessary.
Preparing Emergency Medications
In addition to common medications such as fever reducers, cold remedies, and allergy medications, you should prepare some medical supplies like a first-aid kit, gauze, adhesive tape, and disinfectant. Particularly, ensure you have any prescribed medications for family members with conditions like heart disease or asthma.
Gathering Safety Equipment
- Communication devices: Battery-operated radio, fully charged phones, and laptops.
- Lighting equipment: Flashlights and spare batteries, candles, oil lamps.
- Warmth supplies: Warm clothing, blankets, sleeping bags.
- Fire extinguishing and repair tools: Fire extinguishers, knives, scissors, hammers, pliers, saws, screwdrivers.
Gathering Personal Care Products
- Hand sanitizer, wet wipes (such as baby wipes) in case clean water is unavailable.
- Personal hygiene items: Soap, toothpaste, sanitary pads, liners, diapers…
- Water-resistant items: Boots, raincoats…
In addition, remember to note emergency contact numbers such as emergency services (in Vietnam, it is 115), police (113), fire department (114)… If you have access to a vehicle, don’t forget to fill up the gas tank and keep some cash on hand in case banking systems and ATMs are not operational.