The Seven Wonders of the World – this phrase is certainly one you’ve heard at least once. However, few people know that there are actually many different lists of wonders at present, such as the list of “New7Wonders of the World” voted by New7Wonders.
The “original” list of wonders is known as the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World”, created by the Greek writer Antipater in the 2nd century BC, which includes:
- The Colossus of Rhodes
- The Great Pyramid of Giza
- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
- The Lighthouse of Alexandria
- The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
- The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
- The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
These seven structures were chosen because they symbolize perfection, richness, and the immortality of humanity. The number seven represents the planets known at that time, plus the moon and the sun.
However, at present, the Great Pyramid of Giza is the only structure among the seven wonders that still exists today. The others have been destroyed for various reasons, both natural and man-made.
But have you ever wondered what these structures would look like if they still existed in today’s modern context? To answer this question, a group of experts sponsored by Budget Direct gathered information – including location, historical descriptions, materials, sizes… and from there created 3D models of their images in the modern world.
1. The Colossus of Rhodes
According to descriptions, this was a 32-meter tall bronze statue, constructed on two pedestals about 15 meters high at the harbor of Rhodes on the island of the same name in the period of 305 – 304 BC.
Historical documents suggest that the statue was built standing on both sides of the harbor, allowing ships to pass between its legs. However, some historians believe this is merely a baseless rumor that arose during the Middle Ages.
By 226 BC, an earthquake occurred that caused the statue to collapse, and it was never rebuilt.
Although this statue no longer exists today, it is still remembered as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and as a testament to the grandeur and strength of ancient civilizations. Its legacy continues through literature, art, and popular culture – a reminder that while monuments may be lost over time, the memory of them remains immortal in our collective cultural consciousness.
2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are a magnificent testament to human ingenuity and ambition. Built by King Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 BC, the gardens are believed to have been located near present-day Baghdad, Iraq, and were constructed as a gift for his beloved wife, Queen Amytis.
It is believed that a complex system of pumps and waterwheels was used to irrigate the terraced gardens from the Euphrates River, allowing lush greenery and vibrant flowers to bloom in a barren desert landscape.
This might be considered the most mysterious of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, as no one knows its true location. Babylonian historical records make no mention of these gardens, nor is there sufficient compelling evidence.
As a result, many historians have debated whether the gardens were merely a figment of the imagination of the writers. However, some archaeologists believe they have found traces of the gardens in present-day Iraq, resembling a mountain design.
3. The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only wonder of the Seven Wonders that still exists today. Built in 2560 BC, this impressive architectural structure stands at 481 feet (146.7 meters) and is composed of 144,000 limestone blocks. It is estimated to weigh 6 million tons and was constructed as a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu, making it the oldest and largest pyramid among the three pyramids on the Giza plateau.
For 3,800 years, the Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest man-made structure in the world until the Eiffel Tower in Paris surpassed it in 1889. Thus, it serves as a lasting testament to human ingenuity and ambition throughout history. For centuries, it has captivated visitors from around the world with its scale and grandeur – many have tried to unravel its mysteries, yet no one has fully decoded the secrets of this pyramid.
The pyramid’s design includes several unique features, such as an internal air shaft system that channels air from outside to the inner chambers, and a circular base thought to relate to ancient Egyptian astronomical calculations. The four sides are nearly perfectly aligned to the cardinal directions and are also believed to relate to the astronomical alignment based on star configurations at that time.
Today, the Great Pyramid of Giza remains a powerful symbol of the grandeur and strength of ancient civilizations – even thousands of years after its construction, it continues to astonish us with its complexity and sophistication.
4. The Lighthouse of Alexandria
The lighthouse at Alexandria is an impressive engineering feat that stood for hundreds of years in ancient Egypt. Also known as the Pharos of Alexandria, it is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and served as a beacon for ships navigating the Mediterranean Sea.
The lighthouse itself is a three-tiered structure built from marble and limestone, standing over 400 feet (approximately 122 meters) tall. It was built by Ptolemy I Soter around 280 BC and featured a series of mirrors and lenses to reflect sunlight during the day, while at night it was illuminated by a fire burning at the top of the tower.
Constructed between 284 – 246 BC, the remaining ruins of this lighthouse were first discovered in 1904, at the Eastern Alexandria harbor in Egypt.
5. The Mausoleum of Mausolus at Halicarnassus
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus is a magnificent structure built in 350 BC to honor King Mausolus. Constructed from granite and marble, this monumental architecture stands 45 meters high and is artistically decorated with intricate sculptures. From afar, it was said to be an inspiring sight; there were 36 columns on each side, a pyramid-shaped roof, and four tiers of sculptures depicting scenes from Greek mythology.
Within the walls of the tomb were two burial sites – one for the king himself and another for his wife, Artemisia II. The walls were further decorated with elaborate paintings depicting their life together as well as stories from Greek mythology. The mausoleum was not only beautiful to behold but also served as an important cultural center – scholars came from far and wide to study its architecture and sculptures.
However, a devastating earthquake during the 12th to 15th centuries reduced the mausoleum to dust.
6. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
This is the statue that commands respect, as nothing is more impressive than a 13-meter tall statue made of gold and ivory, sculpted in the image of Zeus – the supreme god atop Olympia.
This statue was constructed to honor Zeus’s reign as king of the gods and men, serving as a symbol for Olympia during events like the Olympic Games – becoming an iconic emblem throughout Greece.
This statue was housed in the Temple of Zeus, designed by the famous architect Libon of Elis, built during the mid-5th century BC. However, by 426, the temple was destroyed by fire.
7. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and is located in the ancient city of Ephesus, which is now in modern-day Turkey. The temple was dedicated to the Greek goddess Artemis, revered as a goddess of fertility and the protector of women and children.
The Temple of Artemis was “destroyed and rebuilt” three times over seven centuries. The first destruction occurred when Herostratus, a man seeking fame, set fire to the temple. After its reconstruction, the temple was again destroyed by the Goths during an attack on the city.
The final destruction of the temple happened during the European Crusades. The invaders leveled it down to its foundations, and that remains the only part of the structure that exists today.
Today, only a few ruins of the once-great temple remain, but it is still an important historical and cultural landmark, as well as a popular tourist destination.