Nature is a treasure trove of surprising and fascinating phenomena that often go unnoticed by humans. Not everyone is aware of the intriguing facts that exist out there.
Incredible Facts About Nature You Didn’t Expect
- 1. There is no gender distinction in nature
- 2. Most plants are found underwater
- 3. The wonders of oxygen
- 4. Sweet lemons
- 5. Unique creatures
- 6. Giant flowers
- 7. Nature is crying for help
- 8. A size of 6mm is “enough”
- 9. The wonders of the eyes
- 10. Horses have two blind spots
- 11. Fungi can think
- 12. Spiders can clone themselves
Below are 12 interesting facts about nature—the environment where humans coexist daily, often without realizing its wonders.
1. There is no gender distinction in nature
Unlike the human world, nature operates under a unified rule without gender distinctions among species.
2. Most plants are found underwater
Estimates suggest that up to 85% of plant species currently exist beneath the ocean, with the Amazon rainforest being home to the most diverse plant life on the planet.
3. The wonders of oxygen
Not only is oxygen a vital gas that sustains life on this planet, but it is also a unique chemical element that can alter the blood of lobsters to a blue color.
4. Sweet lemons
Research has shown that a small yellow lemon contains more sugar than a strawberry.
5. Unique creatures
Nature is home to countless species with remarkable abilities, such as the electric eel, capable of delivering an electric shock of up to 600 volts.
6. Giant flowers
The largest flower in the world comes from a plant known as Rafflesia. Its bloom can reach a diameter of up to 1 meter and weigh as much as 10 kilograms.
7. Nature is crying for help
One alarming fact about nature is that the concentration of CO2 in the environment has increased by approximately three-quarters compared to 20 years ago, primarily due to human activities related to fossil fuel extraction and use. Other contributing factors include rampant deforestation for various purposes, which inadvertently raises CO2 levels.
8. A size of 6mm is “enough”
Mice possess a soft skull and typical gnawing instincts. Therefore, the most suitable size for a mouse to survive in nature is about 6mm—just enough to squeeze through many narrow and treacherous crevices.
Mice can also jump up to 46cm, swim, and balance themselves on various challenging terrains in different positions, including standing upright or upside down.
9. The wonders of the eyes
Few people know that goat eyes have a long slit at the bottom, inadvertently creating a perfect rectangular lens with a panoramic view of up to 320-340 degrees. This means that goats do not need to turn their heads to observe everything around them. Similarly, octopuses also have such rectangular eyes.
10. Horses have two blind spots
Horses have a genetic defect that creates two blind spots in their vision. The first is directly in front of their eyes, and the second is behind their heads.
11. Fungi can think
We have always believed that only humans can think and ponder problems, but scientists have proven otherwise. This is evident in the species of fungus known scientifically as Physarum polycephalum. Researchers believe that this fungus exhibits a form of intelligence, as it seems capable of “thinking” and even planning.
Specifically, this fungus can find the shortest path to “grow” towards its goal (which is food). It also remembers that path and repeats similar actions afterward.
Notably, its intelligence may rival that of species such as ants and bees (considered intelligent insects), despite the fact that it lacks even the most basic nervous system. Furthermore, this fungus selectively chooses its diet, balancing carbohydrates and proteins to ensure optimal health for its population.
12. Spiders can clone themselves
It may sound unbelievable, but this is the ability of the Cyclosa spider (also known as the orb-weaving spider), primarily found in Peru. If you often read stories or watch movies, you may be familiar with the concept of cloning, where a user can create a replica of themselves. The Cyclosa spider can actually do this.
When feeling threatened, the Cyclosa spider creates a clone using a slime that resembles mayonnaise, shaped to look like itself. Inside, it is filled with leaves or prey it has captured earlier. Of course, this clone cannot move, but it will attract the attention of enemies while the real spider escapes elsewhere.
Source: WhatThaFact