Do ghosts really exist? Strange noises at midnight. The wind howls “heavily” in the dark night. Occasionally, these sounds make you jump, get goosebumps, and feel as if someone is staring at you from an empty room. Is there a ghost in your house?
Signs of a Ghost
- 1. Strange Noises
- 2. Gut Feelings
- 3. Doors Opening and Closing by Themselves
- 4. Objects Moving on Their Own
- 5. Electronics Turning On/Off by Themselves
- 6. Shadows
- 7. Pets Acting Strange
- 8. Sudden Temperature Changes
- 9. Crying and Whispering Sounds
- 10. Unusual Scents in the Air
- 11. The Gaze of a Baby
- 12. Objects Appearing and Disappearing
The answer is… maybe! In fact, there has been no concrete evidence confirming the existence of ghosts alongside humans, so the answer of yes or no is still baseless. However, whether you believe or not, many cultures around the world still share various signs of ghosts in a home, and the following 12 common tricks will help you quickly determine if your house has a ghost in just a few notes.
Tonight, you can try applying these signs to check the “peacefulness” of your home. However, if you notice any findings similar to the list below, stay calm, as it is likely that someone is just trying to scare you!
1. Strange Noises
This sign is very common. It could be footsteps, knocking on doors, rustling leaves as if someone is stepping on them in the garden, tapping on walls, objects falling, or the sound of children crying or laughing…. Some sounds may be quite “gentle,” even sporadic, while others are loud, sudden, or prolonged.
Identifying if your house has a ghost through strange noises
In any case, if you detect these unusual sounds, it’s best not to respond (for instance, do not knock back if you hear knocking on the wall…) and call a few more people, perhaps your parents, to check the noise for you. Some beliefs suggest that if you react to what the “ghost” is doing, you might risk being possessed!
2. Gut Feelings
It is quite clear when you feel someone staring or standing right behind you. Although you may not feel any physical contact, you can sense an invisible presence that gives you goosebumps, making you want to run out of the room or scream for help! Ironically, when you turn around to look, you see no ghost at all. It might be someone intentionally playing tricks on you, but it also cannot be ruled out that your home is being “visited” by a spirit.
3. Doors Opening and Closing by Themselves
Are doors opening and closing by themselves due to a ghost?
Whether it’s the front door, windows, closet doors, kitchen cabinets, or bookshelves…. you remember closing them, but when you return just a few minutes later, they are wide open? This sign will further confirm that your house has a ghost (whether it’s a real ghost or someone trying to scare you) if you are home alone at night.
4. Objects Moving on Their Own
One night, you might suddenly see a towel or a shirt flying around the house, even if just for a few fleeting seconds? It could even be a relatively heavy object?…. This sounds creepy and hard to believe, but some beliefs suggest that ghosts have the ability to manipulate objects in the house.
Ghosts manipulating objects in the house
Another small sign is that you leave an object in its usual place before going to bed, but when you wake up the next morning, you find it in a different position? Are you sleepwalking, or does your house have a ghost? Try to observe for a few more nights and apply other signs to find the answer.
5. Electronics Turning On/Off by Themselves
This could be a light that is normally on suddenly flickering, or a TV that is off but you hear sounds coming from it in the middle of the night… These signs may seem hard to believe but they are worth paying attention to.
6. Shadows
Ghost shadows
Ghosts do not necessarily have to resemble humans; they could just be a white spot, a streak of light, or a dark strip. If you are sitting at your computer or watching a movie and suddenly see these unusual things, especially if they occur continuously over several days, you might want to invite someone to sleep with you starting tonight. Therefore, it is challenging to use ghost detection methods if you hope to see specific shapes.
Some people notice bruises, scratches, or skin damage on their bodies. All of them think that the deceased have done this.
7. Pets Acting Strange
For example, cats meowing or dogs barking continuously and staring at a corner of the house. But when you approach to check, you see nothing, and the dog keeps barking. Don’t rush to scold your pet because studies confirm that animals have much stronger senses than humans.
However, you should not jump to the conclusion that your house is haunted just because your pet is behaving strangely. It could be due to other factors, such as temperature, light, or noise. They may also just be sick or stressed. You should check your pet’s health before considering ghosts. You should also research the history of your home to see if it has been the site of any tragic events. If you have evidence of the presence of ghosts in your home, you should find ways to get rid of them or consider moving to a safer place.
Using children to detect ghosts?
In addition to these methods, some people believe that ghosts can be detected through children. Because children are innocent and naïve, they may not be aware enough to know something, so when they stare at a corner of the house or an unusual object, it could indicate that something strange is happening.
8. Sudden Temperature Changes
Many people often believe that if the temperature drops suddenly, there is definitely a spirit present.
Therefore, if you feel chills while entering your home during the scorching summer heat, it could indicate that a ghost is there. So, be sure to check your home’s temperature daily!
9. Crying and Whispering Sounds
Sometimes, you may be alone in a room, but why do you hear whispers or soft crying sounds around you, or even a gentle melody from the air?
Carefully determine where the sound is coming from; if it happens frequently, you shouldn’t be alone.
10. Unusual Scents in the Air
Most people can see, hear, and feel ghosts. Many can even smell the scents of spirits, such as the perfume that a deceased loved one cherished. It may come as a faint whiff or suddenly become strong in the house; are they visiting your family?
However, not all ghostly scents are bad. Some pleasant or familiar scents, like the smell of flowers, perfume, tobacco, food, or baked goods, may belong to friendly spirits or those wanting to send a message to the living.
Before concluding that you are sensing a ghostly smell, you should rule out other possibilities that could cause unusual odors. Check if anyone in the house is cooking, using perfume, smoking, or doing anything that might create different scents. You should also inspect if there are any windows or ventilation openings that are open, as outside smells may be drifting in. Additionally, check for any dead pets or rodents in the house, as these could also be the source of unpleasant odors.
Are you ready for tonight’s experiment? Stay calm and consider this just as a reference advice because ghosts are not easily detected.
11. The Gaze of a Baby
Are you wide-eyed and open-mouthed? Pay attention to the gaze of children. Young kids are very innocent, carefree, and pure, which allows them to see the unseen. Just carry your little one around the house; if they keep staring at some empty space, there might be a spirit there!
Simply put, children do not understand what ghosts are and cannot think about it, so they are not afraid, allowing the deceased to show their presence to the little ones.
12. Objects Disappearing and Reappearing
This phenomenon may seem frightening, but it is a rare occurrence. Some people have indeed seen objects in their home moving about, but not everyone has the courage to stand by and film it.
A more common situation is finding your belongings that were in one spot before bed have mysteriously vanished by morning, only for you to discover them in a different location later.