The Heartbreaking Trumpet of a Baby Elephant
The heart-wrenching trumpet of a baby elephant stirs the hearts of those who hear it. The baby elephant and its mother, named Ma Shwe, were crossing the Taungdwin River (now part of Myanmar) when they unexpectedly became trapped in a flood. The mother elephant rushed in to try to keep her child safe, but it was no easy feat.
However, with all the love and strength of a mother, Ma Shwe performed a miracle: she lifted her baby with her trunk, stood upright on her hind legs, and placed her child on the edge of a rock. But shortly after, Ma Shwe was knocked back and swept away by the floodwaters.
Jim Williams, the elephant caretaker, had no way to save the mother elephant, and could only focus on rescuing the baby. He said, “I will never forget the heartbreaking trumpets that expressed the love of a mother elephant.” Fortunately, Ma Shwe escaped the flood and dashed through the forest, trumpeting as if calling for her baby. By morning, mother and child were joyfully reunited.
(Photo: ngkids)
The Blind Cat’s Friend
Perhaps no one has ever heard a story quite like this: Two lost cats learned to entwine their tails to find their way together. After they were captured, it was discovered that one of them was blind. The sighted cat took the lead and moved slowly forward. The blind cat was named Tommy, and his friend was Tyson. Later, both were transported to a wildlife sanctuary in Kanab, Utah, USA. At this sanctuary, the deep bond of friendship between them could still be observed.
Rescuing a Trapped Calf
A baby dolphin was trapped in a net by Richard O’Barry, a marine mammal expert. Initially, he only wanted to catch large dolphins for a television show. At first, O’Barry did not realize he had ensnared a newborn dolphin, but its mother did and immediately rushed in with two other adult dolphins to rescue it. “They did everything they could to push the baby dolphin out, risking getting caught in the net themselves,” O’Barry recounted. Despite their efforts, they could not free the calf, so O’Barry had to cut the net for them. Immediately afterward, the mother dolphin, with the help of two other females, pushed the baby dolphin to the surface to breathe.
Love Among Dogs
It can be said that it was love at first sight. When two Eskimo dogs named Misha and Maria met for the first time, Misha jumped over another dog to reach Maria. They then playfully chased each other around Maria’s owner’s living room. Misha’s owner, who lived nearby, tried to take him home. But just one hour later, Misha returned to find Maria and led her to escape outside. Once free, the two wandered to Peterborough, New Hampshire, USA. “It is rare for dogs to choose their own mates,” Thomas noted. But Misha and Maria did just that. Their love was so strong that when Maria had puppies, Misha acted like a male wolf, bringing food and regurgitating it for the pups. In the wolf world, regurgitating food for young ones is a sign of devoted love.
Monkeys Sharing
In a zoo, monkeys were provided with a vending machine to play with: they would insert coins to get a treat. Every monkey could do this except for one named Beulah. Professor Hal Markowitz of San Francisco State University, California, said, “Beulah kept throwing coins but they never landed in the slot. Perhaps she was clumsy or wanted to be pampered by a male monkey.” Eventually, Beulah caught the attention of a male monkey named Rocky. Seeing her struggle, Rocky decided to help, and when the treat was dispensed, he let Beulah take it.
Monkey Funeral
A female gorilla named Babs lived a very happy life. For many years, she was the most pampered female monkey in the group. However, when she fell ill, Babs’s days of happiness came to an end. She would lie still in one place. The staff at Brookfield Zoo in Chicago began opening the internal doors of her enclosure so that the other tailless monkeys could visit her. They showed very “human” behaviors while caring for the sick monkey. After Babs passed away, the other monkeys took turns passing by her body to touch and sniff it one last time, then they sat beside the lifeless body, much like a human funeral scene. Only Bana, Babs’s young daughter, sat curled up beside her mother’s body, resting her head on her arm and wrapping her arms around her mother’s neck.