The lowland lotus is cultivated in many areas due to its high aesthetic and medicinal value. Additionally, with simple planting techniques, households can easily grow a few pots of this beautiful flower at home.
Techniques for Growing Lowland Lotus
This plant is not difficult to grow. The lowland lotus is also known as Hạn hà thảo, Hà diệp liên, and its scientific name is Tropaeolum majus L, belonging to the Tropaeolaceae family.
The lowland lotus originates from Peru. In the 16th century, a red flower was discovered, leading to its name “Peruvian blood flower”. Subsequently, it was cultivated in various countries across the Americas, from Chile to Mexico. Currently, this plant is commonly imported and grown in Vietnam.
Lowland lotus is easy to grow
The lowland lotus is a small annual herbaceous plant. It grows in a climbing manner with a tubular stem, reaching an average height of about 20-25 cm, and can grow up to 50 cm. This plant prefers sunlight and blooms continuously throughout the year. The leaves resemble lotus leaves, with a long stem attached to a round blade, having a smooth edge. The upper side is light green, while the underside is lighter. Flowers bloom individually in leaf axils, measuring 3-5 cm in diameter, and are bisexual and irregular, available in yellow, orange, and red colors.
Techniques for Planting Lowland Lotus
Light and Temperature
The lowland lotus is a wildflower native to the cold climates of South America; therefore, it cannot withstand high temperatures and humidity. To ensure beautiful blooms, it is crucial to avoid the heat and humidity of summer during planting. In summer, place the lowland lotus in the shade, while in other seasons, it should be positioned in a sunny area with good air circulation.
The ideal time to sow seeds is between mid-March and mid-April. Growers should gently peel the seed coat by hand before sowing to encourage immediate germination. Next, using a finger, create a small hole in the pot and place a seed inside. The planting medium should consist of small-grained Akadama soil and humus (or peat) along with some plant minerals. After planting, the seedlings need fertilization.
To achieve a beautiful lowland lotus pot, flower enthusiasts need to pay attention to some simple planting techniques
Once the plant has established roots, flower enthusiasts need to transfer the plant to a different pot. The planting medium should consist of a mixture of small-grained Akadama soil and humus. In summer, it should be placed under a large tree or in a shaded area. Watering should be done after the surface of the soil in the pot has dried. If red spider mites appear, growers can spray pesticides to control them.
Water the plants after the surface of the potting soil has dried. If red spider mites arise, pesticide spraying is necessary for treatment.
Propagation of Lowland Lotus
Lowland lotus comes in various colors such as yellow, orange, and red
Growers can propagate the flowers through cuttings. The method involves inserting a 7-8 cm long cutting into a planting medium or a glass filled with water, allowing the cutting to root more quickly.
Diseases and Treatment Methods
The lowland lotus often suffers from yellowing leaves, which can lead to death. This is usually caused by excessive or insufficient water, prolonged high temperatures, or lack of light during growth.
Solutions: Add sand to the soil to improve drainage and organic matter distribution. Water 0.02 liters (1 inch) weekly if it does not rain. If high temperatures cause leaf yellowing, move the plant to a location that avoids the harshest sunlight. Another cause of yellowing leaves may be exposure to broadleaf herbicides.
Broadleaf weeds, also known as dicots, share common characteristics: narrow, thick, oblique leaves, hairy leaf surfaces, typically shallow fibrous roots, and growing tips enclosed within leaf sheaths, with leaf veins arranged in various patterns but not parallel. The western rice fields feature weeds like soapwort, watercress, water hyacinth, and pennywort…
For aphid infestations: Eliminate aphids by spraying strong water jets or using horticultural oils. Mix 2.5 or 5 teaspoons with 3.7 liters of water and spray the entire plant once a month for elimination or prevention.
Benefits of Lowland Lotus
In Vietnam, the lowland lotus is widely cultivated for ornamentation, culinary use, seasoning, and medicinal purposes. Despite its name, this plant grows on land and does not thrive underwater. It can be planted in gardens, along fences, on balconies, in flower beds, or in decorative pots to enhance villa landscapes…
Notably, it is beautifully displayed in hanging pots. With its attractive leaves and vibrant flowers, hanging pots of lowland lotus can make restaurant lobbies and cafes stand out. Mundane windows become livelier, and homes gain sophistication and color.
This plant is quite effective at repelling mosquitoes
Additionally, the flowers and leaves of the lowland lotus can be used in salads, while crushed seeds serve as seasoning. Young leaves can be eaten raw or cooked in soup with potatoes. Flower buds and green fruits can be pickled in vinegar as seasoning, providing a flavor similar to watercress and are delicious. Lowland lotus flowers are also used for color decoration, enhancing the appeal of vegetable dishes.
All parts of the plant can be harvested for medicinal use throughout the year. According to traditional medicine, the lowland lotus has a spicy, sour taste, and cool nature; it helps to clear heat, detoxify, cool the blood, stop bleeding, regulate menstruation, promote urination, relieve constipation, treat cough, and combat scurvy (blood circulation issues), as well as alleviate bronchial and lung disorders, bladder inflammation, and bronchitis… The fragrance of this flower is also considered an effective method for repelling mosquitoes.