According to the cyclical model of the universe, the answer to what existed before our universe is quite simple: it was another universe.
A researcher has recently discovered compelling evidence that proves another universe existed prior to our current universe. Furthermore, he claims that the present universe is merely the latest version in an endless series of universes.
Professor Sir Roger Penrose argues that our current universe is the most recent in a long chain of previous universes. This also answers the question of what happened before the Big Bang.
Sir Roger Penrose is one of the most renowned theoretical physicists in the world and was a student of Professor Hawking. He believes that our universe still carries the scars of a previous universe, which was destroyed approximately 14 billion years ago.
The universe and everything within it emerged from nothingness, thanks to strange laws.
Accepted scientific models show that the universe and everything within it, including stars, planets, and galaxies, emerged from nothingness, thanks to bizarre laws.
The expanding universe model was hailed as a major breakthrough when it was first proposed in the 1970s. However, as scientists continue to explore the universe, many theories have become outdated.
According to the cyclical universe model, what existed before our universe is simply another universe. Professor Penrose and his colleagues from the U.S. and Poland have pursued this idea, believing they may eventually encounter identifiable signs of a universe that could have existed before ours, based on studies of the leftover radiation from the Big Bang.
The uneven distribution is due to the chaos present when the universe began to form.
First discovered by astronomers in the mid-1960s, this cosmic background radiation permeates all of space in the form of microwaves. However, research has shown that the radiation is not evenly distributed throughout the universe. Astronomers have argued that the uneven distribution is due to the chaos that existed when the universe began to form.
Professor Penrose and his collaborators believe that this radiation is also a remnant of another universe that existed before ours. Additionally, the previous universe may have contained supermassive black holes.
Over billions of years, these black holes consumed all the matter in the previous universe. Ultimately, these enormous black holes evaporated, leaving behind Hawking radiation.