The unexpected events of 2022 serve as a warning about an apocalypse that humanity will face, one that we have created ourselves.
The publication Live Science highlighted 10 alarming findings indicating that if we do not swiftly change our destructive behaviors towards the planet, humanity will confront climate disasters that seem straight out of apocalyptic films.
Are humans pushing the planet towards “apocalypse”? – (Photo: LIVE SCIENCE)
1. Zombie Viruses Revived
Many ancient viruses have seen the sun again after being “sealed” in permafrost for thousands, even tens of thousands of years. A recent study revealed that 13 such species have the potential to awaken from Siberian permafrost. Some of these viruses could mutate and cause a catastrophic outbreak for humans, as our immune systems are completely “naked” against these species thought to have disappeared long ago.
2. Land Sinking into the Sea
The rising sea levels are turning many densely populated modern cities into lagoons. Estimates suggest that sea levels along the U.S. coast could rise an average of 30 cm by 2050, posing a disaster for areas like Miami. This fate could also await many other cities in different countries, primarily due to climate change.
3. Glaciers Disappearing
Iconic national parks such as Yellowstone and Yosemite may lose all their glaciers by 2050, according to a United Nations forecast, along with the threat that half of the world’s glaciers will vanish at the same time.
4. Climate Chaos
This refers to erratic and extreme climatic phenomena that disrupt previous forecasting models when pushed to a critical point. In the worst-case scenario, the future Earth could experience severe seasonal changes akin to alien worlds.
5. Polar Bears Swimming in Trash
The images currently emerging from the Arctic clearly demonstrate that Earth is becoming a massive garbage dump, driving species to extinction – a future that could very well include ourselves.
6. Worse Weather
This year’s heatwaves in summer and frigid winters full of snowstorms in the U.S. and other countries could merely be the beginning, as climate change fuels monstrous storms, increasing droughts and floods due to extreme weather patterns.
7. Penguins on the Brink of Extinction
The Emperor Penguin, a symbol of Antarctica, has recently joined the ranks of endangered species, indicating just how fast the Earth is “melting.”
8. The Sixth Mass Extinction
The Earth is heading towards its sixth mass extinction, with millions of species disappearing in a short span of time. At the current rate of temperature rise, it is forecasted that by 2500, a mass extinction akin to that of the dinosaurs will engulf the entire planet.
9. The “Point of No Return”
There will be a deadly threshold that, if crossed, will cause irreversible changes to Earth’s climate. There are 16 critical tipping points that “unlock” this deadly door, including the melting of Arctic and Antarctic ice and the death of coral reefs… These are already underway.
10. The “Doomsday Glacier”
Thwaites, ominously nicknamed the “Doomsday Glacier,” is regarded as Earth’s death clock, capable of raising sea levels by over 3 meters if it melts. It is currently melting rapidly and could detach from West Antarctica.