Daffodils are always featured in the list of beautiful flowers in Vietnam. This flower belongs to the genus Narcissus, part of the Amaryllidaceae family, and originates from Europe.
According to statistics, there are currently about 20,000 different species of daffodils worldwide. Daffodils also come in many colors, such as yellow, red, blue, white, pink, and more. This variety allows flower enthusiasts to easily choose their favorite flower color.
Not only do they boast vibrant colors, but daffodils also emit a remarkably alluring fragrance. For this reason, many families choose to grow them during Tet (Vietnamese Lunar New Year), plant them in offices, or give them as gifts to relatives and friends.
According to folk beliefs, if daffodils bloom on the evening of the 30th day of the last lunar month before the ancestral worship ceremony, it is believed that good fortune, longevity, wealth, and luck will come to that family in the new year. Daffodils are easy to grow and can bloom in just 30 days. Anyone can cultivate beautiful daffodils for display in their home by following the instructions below.
Growing daffodils is not overly complicated and does not require extensive preparation, making it accessible for anyone to plant a beautiful daffodil pot to celebrate Tet.
Daffodils bring luck to homeowners during Tet.
Late autumn to early winter is the best time to plant daffodils. So, what are you waiting for? Follow the daffodil planting method we’ve outlined below.
How to Plant Daffodils
Preparing the flower pot.
- Daffodil bulbs
- Gravel
- 3-4 deep ceramic plates or bowls
- Clean water
Preparing the bulbs: When purchasing daffodil bulbs, remove the brown outer layers, then soak them in water for 48 hours to allow the skins to absorb moisture, making them easier to peel.
How to peel daffodil bulbs.
For peeling, carefully use a knife to slice through the outer layers about 2/3 down the bulb, then make circular cuts around the bulb and gently separate the layers.
Be cautious while peeling to avoid cutting into the flower stalk, bulb sheath, or leaves.
Next, trim the roots and leaves carefully.
Finally, once the daffodil bulbs are clean, soak them in water.
Preparing the planting gravel
Here, we are guiding you on how to plant daffodils in water using gravel to support the plants (both aesthetically pleasing and clean) because this type of flower does not require soil. However, you can also choose to plant daffodils in soil if preferred.
How to plant daffodils using gravel.
Fill half or two-thirds of a bowl or ceramic plate with gravel.
How to Plant:
- Place the prepared daffodil bulbs on top of the gravel with the roots pointing downwards.
Place daffodil bulbs in the pot.
- Then, pour water until it nearly reaches the roots of the bulbs. Note that daffodils prefer clean water, so you will need to change the water regularly. Do not submerge the bulbs completely to avoid rotting.
Watering to the root.
- You can place the bulbs close together without maintaining distance.
How to plant daffodils.
- After that, place the pot in a warm room. After 20-30 days, the daffodil will grow and start to bloom. To enjoy daffodils throughout the winter, you can plant bowls of flowers spaced about 1-2 weeks apart.
Daffodils in bloom.
How to Plant Daffodils in Water
For planting daffodils, use clean water, avoiding hydroponic solutions. If using tap water, let it sit for 24 hours to allow chlorine to dissipate.
Place gravel in half or two-thirds of your planting container. Set the daffodil bulbs on top of the gravel, with the roots pointing down and the leaves and flowers oriented as desired.
Then, add water until it just touches the roots of the bulbs. Do not submerge the bulbs completely, as this will cause them to rot. Pour water gently to avoid displacing the bulbs.
How to Plant Daffodils in Soil
The soil for planting daffodils should be loose, well-draining, nutrient-rich, and free from pathogens. You can use a mixture of 1 part worm castings, 1 part coconut coir, 1 part rice hulls, and 2 parts clean soil.
Alternatively, for convenience, you can use Sfarm organic clean soil designed for ornamental flowers, which is nutrient-rich and contains beneficial microorganisms, ready to use without mixing.
Then, fill the pot with the mixed soil, placing the daffodil bulb inside. Determine the growth direction of the daffodil bulb as desired. This step will determine the posture and shape of the daffodil pot.
Characteristics of Daffodils
Daffodils are a unique flower species that grow in autumn, bloom in winter, store nutrients in spring, and rest during summer. Daffodils thrive in light, prefer humid environments, but are sensitive to cold. You need to keep these characteristics in mind while planting and caring for daffodils.
Daffodils bloom in winter.
Daffodils can withstand cold but grow slowly and take longer to bloom in extremely cold conditions.
Choosing Daffodil Bulbs
When planting daffodils in water, you need to choose healthy bulbs with a diameter of about 2-3 cm. When purchasing, it’s best to buy by weight; fewer bulbs per kilogram indicate larger and fatter bulbs.
Choose round and flat daffodil bulbs.
You should also select daffodil bulbs that are round, flat, firm, with pronounced vertical stripes on the outer skin, and a light or shiny brown color.
Pay attention to the flower shoots: gently squeeze the shoots; if they are firm and elastic, they are good. Avoid choosing soft, shriveled, or non-elastic shoots.
Caring for Daffodils
After placing daffodils in the pot, be sure to change the water once a day initially, and then you can increase it to once every 2-3 days.
When the flower sheath appears, change the water once a week.
After about 40 days of care, the flowers will bloom.
For optimal growth, the daffodil needs about 6 hours of sunlight each day. Without enough light, the leaves will grow long and thin, producing fewer flowers, which won’t be visually appealing. However, do not expose the plants to direct sunlight, as it can cause them to die.
The soil for daffodils must be nutrient-rich, fresh, and well-draining. Daffodils thrive in a pH range of 5 to 7.5.
If planting daffodils in soil, the mixing ratio should be: 2 parts sandy loam, 1 part sand, 1 part base fertilizer, and 1 part decayed leaves.