Mystical stories about ghosts often appear on roads, in abandoned castles, or in haunted houses are well-known to many. However, tales of drowned spirits and souls residing underwater are less commonly heard. These stories of water spirits are equally terrifying and mysterious as those of land-based ghosts.
Incidents related to water spirits are just as chilling and captivating.
Stories about ghosts lurking in ancient castles or abandoned buildings have always piqued the curiosity of the interested. In addition, the existence of drowned spirits residing underwater, although less frequently mentioned, presents incidents that are equally chilling and captivating.
Psychics Hunting Water Spirits
While there are countless psychics around the globe studying and exploring paranormal phenomena, finding a genuine diving psychic is quite challenging. These psychic divers are notably different from other paranormal researchers.
A group of psychic divers in Florida, USA, founded the first research center for underwater supernatural phenomena in the world, called Paranormal Divers. This group specializes in studying spirits that inhabit various bodies of water worldwide. Throughout their endeavors, these psychic divers have encountered many terrifying experiences while confronting the spirits hidden beneath the waters.
The first recorded photo of a water ghost in the world.
During an exploration in an underwater cavern, this group of psychics discovered a strange light flickering in the water beneath the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Tampa, Florida.
The incident would not have been so intriguing if it weren’t for the events of the 1980s. It is known that in this year, the Skyway Bridge collapsed, resulting in the deaths of 35 people who were on the bridge at the time. According to local residents, the Skyway Bridge has also been a frequent site for suicides. Since its completion in 1987, more than 200 people have taken their own lives there. Is there any connection between these deaths and the strange light?
In another expedition, the psychics captured images of ghosts living underwater. This is considered the first underwater ghost photograph in the world. They reported that the photo was taken in a submerged cave at a depth of 40 meters. After hearing a scream from deep within the cave, one member quickly snapped the scene. In the photo, the faint outline of a face can be seen rising to the surface of the murky water.
Reports suggest that this ghost is the spirit of another diver who died there, and the scream was indeed from that person.
Ghost Engines in Truk Lagoon Still Functioning
Engines that seem to still be running despite being submerged for over half a century.
Once a battleground between the United States and Japan in 1944, the bottom of Truk Lagoon contains not only the wrecks of 60 ships and 275 aircraft but also thousands of human remains.
The Japanese ship Hoki Maru sank with a cargo full of trucks. Divers now report hearing engine sounds turning on and off, even when no vessels are above the water’s surface. Strange accounts also come from the Fuji Kawamaru, where noises originate from the engine room.
Even after being submerged for over half a century, these psychic water hunters can still hear the distinct sounds of engines starting and stopping, even when no boats are operating above the surface. Specifically, the engine sounds are confirmed to come from the Hoki Maru and Fuji Kawamaru of Japan.
The team from Destination Truth explored the underwater ruins of Truk Lagoon and was astonished to hear engine noises. They also reported sounds resembling human voices.
The Mysterious Disappearance of Divers
Another mysterious phenomenon is the sudden disappearance of mysterious divers without a trace.
In 2012, a diving instructor in Santa Rosa, California, claimed to have seen another individual swimming in the water. The instructor described the person wearing a pink diving tank. However, when he approached, the person in the pink tank vanished without a trace. This was not the first time U.S. police recorded such fleeting, terrifying encounters.
A similar story of being teased by a water ghost surfaced in 2007 on the island of Grenada. After an afternoon of exploring the waters, a diver recounted an encounter with a man wearing a white shirt and a diving tank, who even waved at him. It was only after his friends confirmed that no one like that was in the group that the diver realized he had been played with by a water spirit.
Mysterious stories about the spiritual world and souls living underwater remain an unsolved mystery, despite the extensive time and effort California psychics have dedicated to research. Whether these sunken ships and vehicles are haunted or if the spirits of those who drowned are responsible for these bizarre phenomena remains an open question for all of us.