After dissecting the hen, a woman was shocked to discover a giant egg-shaped foreign object.
This strange incident occurred in a household in Lang Zhong, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, China.
Specifically, the family of a woman named Du Xiaoxia had a very fat hen that had not laid eggs for five years.
She decided to kill the hen and make soup. However, after dissecting it, the woman was stunned to find a giant foreign object inside. This object was egg-shaped, had no strange odor, measured about 18 cm in length, and weighed 115 grams.
The foreign object inside the hen.
After searching for information online, the woman found that it closely resembled “kê bảo” from legend and estimated it could be sold for a good price. Therefore, she consulted an expert appraiser. The expert confirmed that this object was indeed “kê bảo”. It can be used as a type of medicine after being dried.
It is known that kê bảo is a deformed ovarian follicle with a basic composition similar to chicken egg yolk. The term “kê bảo” in Chinese refers to a valuable substance found within the body of a hen.
Kê bảo typically appears in the abdomen of aged hens that have been raised for many years. The Chinese believe that kê bảo can be used to prepare medicinal remedies.