Recently, American student scientists have decoded a mystery surrounding the Van Allen radiation belt. This belt also plays a crucial role in another cosmic mystery: the Apollo 11 spacecraft’s flight to the moon on July 20, 1969, which is suspected to have been faked…
The Apollo mission, once celebrated by NASA for successfully sending humans to the moon, has drawn admiration worldwide but has also sparked extensive debate regarding its authenticity. Some viewpoints argue that the Apollo moon landing was merely a hoax by the U.S. government, with the Van Allen belt serving as vital evidence for their claims. We present these intriguing perspectives to our readers. This article and images are compiled from the nonprofit news outlet Venus Project based in New York, along with some official images from NASA.
Some viewpoints argue that the Apollo moon landing was merely a hoax by the U.S. government.
There are several scientific facts and simple experiences that clearly demonstrate that NASA and the U.S. government intentionally deceived their citizens and the world, aiming to build a false reputation to boast on the global stage while siphoning billions of USD for space research. These studies have ended up in the pockets of so-called mass murderers, or military contractors and aggressive arms manufacturers, selfish and deceitful astronauts and scientists, and multinational corporations that are believed to have created crude machinery to produce the moon landing TV program.
According to Bahram Maskanian, the founder and CEO of Venus Project, the story of America sending humans to the moon is the most ridiculous and absurd TV scam ever produced. Even without much effort, we can easily identify clear errors that prove this is merely fiction. The most debatable reason, the fact that turns the moon landing into a great lie, is the existence of the Van Allen radiation belt. This single major challenge is enough to prove that the moon landing is a work of fiction.
What is the Van Allen Radiation Belt?
Crossing the Van Allen radiation belt is one of the few major issues that humanity on Earth has yet to resolve to fulfill the dream of traveling anywhere beyond space.
The Van Allen Radiation Belt is a large radiation belt surrounding the Earth, formed from charged solar and cosmic particles emitted from the upper atmosphere of the sun and stars. The Van Allen belt is located at an altitude of 12,000 to 60,000 kilometers, enveloping the entire surface of the Earth.
Van Allen Radiation Belt.
According to research, no living organism from Earth can cross the Van Allen radiation belt and survive, whether using the primitive technology of the 1960s or today’s most advanced technology! The high-energy radiation emissions or ionization of particles would vaporize any living organism attempting to travel through the belt. This means that to fly to the moon, which is 375,000 km away, Apollo astronauts would need to pass through the Van Allen belt and would vaporize immediately.
How do UFOs reach Earth?
Some of us may think about the many visits to Earth by UFOs from distant celestial brothers over the thousands of years. A question arises: how do they cross the Van Allen radiation belt to enter and exit the Earth’s atmosphere?
A question arises: How do UFOs cross the Van Allen belt?
According to CEO Bahram, UFO spacecraft can travel across galaxies and through space much faster than the speed of light. They do not fly but rather jump from point to point using a magnetic levitation propulsion system, also known as Maglev propulsion, which allows the craft to hover in space through electromagnetic forces.
The principle of Maglev propulsion has been applied to create a scientific toy called the UFO Magnetic Levitation Spinning Gyroscope. This toy consists of two magnets: a gyroscope and a base. The gyroscope can float in the air due to the repulsive force from the magnetic base below.
In space, when propelling the ship, the electromagnetic Maglev propulsion creates a protective magnetic shield surrounding the craft, shielding it from harmful radiation in space, similar to how Earth’s gravity protects its inhabitants. To this day, we have not achieved such capabilities.
There are also some photographs of geometric infrastructure, tall towers, roads, and buildings. These images resemble a base on the moon, purportedly built by extraterrestrial brothers living in the moon’s northern pole! These photos were taken through telescopes from various locations on Earth, starting in 1954, as part of covert activities by the U.S. government to pave the way for fictional moon landings. Alternatively, they may be products of NASA intended to bolster the credibility of their dubious moon landing.
Other Evidence
Speaking of other evidence that suggests the moon landing story is fabricated, the first reason is that in the 1960s and even today, we still do not have a sufficient fuel supply or propulsion system to conduct a round trip (two-way journey) to the moon over 750,000 km. Additionally, we have not had and still do not have a protective radiation shield to safely traverse the Van Allen belt.
The second reason is that when shuttles or rockets are launched and escape Earth’s gravitational pull to enter space, they leave enormous plumes of smoke and dust. However, if you have watched the moon landing footage, you will clearly see a crane supporting the Lunar Module landing from above without any dust at all. How is it possible for a rocket engine, flying at high speed, to lower itself for a safe landing on such a dusty and sandy environment without stirring up any dust in the air? It is also reasonable to ask a similar question regarding the Lunar Module being launched from the moon’s gravitational pull!
Lunar Module – Eagle Lunar Module of Apollo 11. (Image: NASA).
The third reason is that the Lunar Module is a tiny conical module, hardly spacious enough for two men. So where would the Moon Rover, other equipment, and the fuel tanks necessary for liftoff from the moon’s surface be stored? It should be noted that to travel to the moon and back, this nearly one million km journey would require a tremendous amount of fuel. The enormous premium fuel tanks attached to the shuttle can only lift the shuttle out of Earth’s atmosphere, climbing straight up to 100 km. Immediately after all the fuel is burned, the two fuel tanks separate and fall back to the Earth’s surface.
The fourth unbelievable aspect of this hoax is the transmission of audio and video directly from the moon to Earth.
All of us have watched TV programs broadcast “LIVE” to televisions from various angles around the Earth. However, most people do not understand what is required for that broadcasting to occur.
To overcome the curvature of the Earth, a geostationary satellite is needed in Earth’s orbit, a broadcast truck at the event site to transmit signals from the starting point, and a TV station equipped with a satellite dish to receive and relay signals to our television audience with a time delay according to the signal’s travel time out into space and back. How could astronauts jumping up and down or driving/walking around the moon instantly transmit images of their round trip to NASA nearly one million km away?
Broadcast truck.
The fifth issue is with the image of the Lunar Rover that NASA claims to have photographed on the moon, showing an internal combustion engine at the back.
Internal combustion engines cannot operate without oxygen in the air. So how could a Lunar Rover travel around the Moon using an internal combustion engine when the Moon has no atmosphere, air, or oxygen?
The Lunar Rover is also not an electric vehicle; if it were, it would weigh a ton, and the batteries would be clearly visible on board. Moreover, the Moon Rover is larger than the Lunar Module, so where would NASA store this vehicle to transport it to the Moon?
Apollo 15’s Lunar Rover in 1971 exploring the Moon.
The final reason (sixth) is that we all know solar radiation consists of a mixture of many types of electromagnetic waves, from ultraviolet rays, infrared, high-energy gamma rays to X-rays, and visible light, which lies between radio waves and ultraviolet rays in the electromagnetic spectrum (wavelengths of 400-760 nanometers). Therefore, any type of film that leaves Earth, passes through the Van Allen radiation belts, and reaches the Moon would be completely destroyed. Even if the impossible were true (that films could safely leave Earth and reach the Moon), and if 17 mm positive film (chrome film) were used and purchased from some store on the Moon, on the way back to Earth, everyone and all unprocessed films would be obliterated while flying through the Van Allen belts.
Indeed, there is overwhelming evidence that has led countless people around the world to lose profound faith in the entire fabricated story of sending humans to the Moon. From now on, never say “if we can send a person to the Moon, we can do anything…” because such statements will completely undermine your credibility.
Below are two videos providing scientific evidence that NASA’s Moon landing was a hoax: