Archaeologists have recently discovered the remains of two newborn babies dating back 27,000 years while excavating a hillside in northern Austria.
This significant find, located near the Danube River in the city of Krems, reveals that the infants were buried beneath the bones of mammoths alongside a necklace made of 31 beads. This suggests that the burial may have been part of some form of ritual or mourning.
“They could be a set of twins. The two children have matching limb sizes and were buried together,” stated Christine Neugebauer-Maresch from the Austrian Institute of Science.
The grave is the oldest known in the area, and its significance lies in the fact that the children were not simply buried immediately after death. It indicates that they may have held an important status within their society.
Scientists are currently excavating the surrounding area in search of the remains of the infants’ mother, as giving birth to twins during that time was extremely difficult and perilous.
M.T. (according to AP)