In many cases of Pitbull attacks on humans without timely intervention, victims often suffer severe injuries or even death.
According to Outdoor Dogfun, with ancestors that were fierce and aggressive, Pitbulls today have been bred to possess extremely strong jaws.
The bite force of a Pitbull can reach around 235 psi (1 psi is equivalent to 6.895 N/m²).
Pitbulls today have been bred to possess extremely strong jaws.
Some believe that with such a biting force, a Pitbull can break a cow’s femur with just one bite.
Besides the strong bite, the impact of a Pitbull’s bite also depends on two factors.
The first is a tight bite accompanied by vigorous shaking. Kory Nelson, a lawyer who has researched Pitbulls in Denver, USA, states: “A Pitbull’s bite often causes more severe injuries than those from other breeds. This breed tends to target the deep muscles in the body, biting tightly and shaking back and forth to tear the tissue.”
Pitbulls are large-bodied dogs, and their combination of tight biting and vigorous shaking leads to increasingly severe injuries.
The second factor that makes Pitbulls fearsome is their tendency not to release their grip after biting. Their extremely strong jaws allow them to bite down and hold on tightly, preventing the victim from escaping.
An example of a Pitbull’s “tenacity” occurred in Alton, Illinois, USA, in 2018. A police officer was attacked by a Pitbull while responding to a scene. His colleagues had to shoot the Pitbull to rescue the officer. However, even after being shot, the Pitbull continued to hold onto the officer’s arm. This has never happened in attacks by other dog breeds.
Fatal Bites
A study analyzing fatal dog attacks in the USA over 13 years revealed that Pitbulls were responsible for 66% of the deaths.
Another study collecting data over 10 years showed that Pitbulls were responsible for more than 3,500 fatalities in the USA and Canada. In these attacks, victims died from severe blood loss and head injuries.
Victims often do not escape the strong jaws of a Pitbull. Without assistance from others, the victim may bleed to death. This explains why attacks from Pitbulls frequently lead to fatalities.