The AI image generator Midjourney has created simulations of our lives in the year 2100.
Midjourney depicts the world in 2100.
AI makes human tasks significantly easier, including music composition, generating meaningful text, and even diagnosing diseases.
Midjourney can create illustrations inspired by famous films and generate images of creatures from fairy tales.
Neural networks are programs designed based on the principles of neuron connectivity in the human brain.
The term “neural network” first emerged in the mid-20th century when scientists attempted to create technology that could replicate the human brain.
In the future, this technology is likely to become a part of human life.
Modern neural networks can learn autonomously, identify errors in their tasks, and apply previous experiences.
Today, neural networks are used to tackle complex problems that require analytical computation, similar to those handled by the human brain.
Neural networks can distribute data according to parameters and make predictions about current situations, such as the economy.
According to the World Economic Forum, by 2025, artificial intelligence will be able to replace professionals in fields such as visual arts, film, journalism, programming, and more.
Midjourney features advanced algorithms that can analyze and mimic various styles and patterns, allowing it to create a wide range of unique and personalized visual content.
Midjourney is a revolutionary tool that employs artificial intelligence technology to produce stunning and highly realistic images.
The capabilities of artificial intelligence are vast.
Midjourney is one of the leading neural networks for illustration.
Midjourney has the ability to create incredibly vibrant images in various styles based on textual descriptions.