The vast universe always holds secrets that space science has yet to fully unravel. Some of these mysteries have been explored by humanity, such as planets, stars, and Earth’s gravitational pull. However, there are still many cosmic enigmas that baffle astronomers: What is inside black holes? What is dark matter? What is the end of the universe like?
Mysteries of the Universe That Humanity Is Still Trying to Solve
- What is the universe made of?
- Are we alone in the universe?
- What is inside a black hole?
- How can we harness more energy from the Sun?
- Is there a possibility of life on Mars?
- What is the origin of high-energy cosmic rays?
- Where do fast radio bursts (FRBs) come from?
- Why is there more matter than antimatter?
- Fermi bubbles
- The rectangular galaxy
- The Moon’s magnetic field
- Why do pulsars emit pulses?
- How will the universe end?
Below are some puzzling questions related to the universe that humanity is still “wracking their brains” trying to find answers to.
What is the Universe Made Of?
Scientific research findings about the solar system and the Milky Way lead many to believe in humanity’s understanding of the vast universe. However, it is surprisingly true that we have only discovered about 5% of what makes up the mysterious space beyond Earth.
In fact, all the cosmic components that humans are aware of are “visible” forms of matter. These include elements from the periodic table, collections of molecules, atoms, and smaller particles that make them up, such as protons, electrons, and neutrons. All of these constitute our Earth yet only account for 1/20th of what makes up the universe.
The question arises: What is the remaining 95% of the universe? We know of their existence, yet we cannot see or study them directly, as these components are invisible. They are “dark matter” – making up 25% of the universe, and “dark energy” – accounting for 70% of the universe.
Specifically, dark matter does not emit light and is believed to be present around galaxies and galaxy clusters. Experts refer to it as an “invisible cloak.” Humanity knows of their existence because we can measure the mass and gravitational forces they exert on “visible” matter.
Dark energy is even more mysterious. It is thought to be a form of energy that exists in the universe, capable of accelerating galaxies closer together or further apart. However, a precise theory regarding this matter has yet to emerge, and the scientific community is still “at a loss” regarding this question.
Are We Alone in the Universe?
Since the advent and development of space science, a lingering question for humanity has been whether there is anyone beyond Earth. Humans have launched spacecraft and explored many planets in search of other life forms, but to date, this question remains unanswered.
How many Earths are there in this universe?
Many hypotheses have been proposed to guide research efforts. One notable theory is the multiverse theory, which originated from the term of the same name by William James in 1895. According to this theory, there are many parallel universes alongside the space we inhabit.
Multiverse model
From this theory, modern research largely suggests that humanity has “neighbors” on other planets and in different universes. In 2011, to answer the above question, some American scientists utilized cutting-edge technology to broadcast radio signals into space.
These signals will be transmitted, and if detected by extraterrestrial beings, they will send response signals back to Earth. According to them, using this method, we could determine within 20 years whether extraterrestrial civilizations exist.
Are humans alone in this universe?
What Is Inside a Black Hole?
A black hole is the remaining part of stars that self-destruct under their own gravitational force. It is dubbed the monster of the universe, capable of “devouring” any planet, celestial body, and even light if they happen to cross its event horizon.
So, what exactly is inside a black hole? No one has the answer. We only know that black holes possess enormous gravitational pull, and any planet that gets sucked in will vanish without a trace.
Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain this phenomenon. The latest research in 2013 published in New Scientist suggests that black holes do not destroy the planets and celestial bodies they consume.
Could black holes be gateways to other universes?
Black holes are essentially a space gateway, transporting everything consumed into another universe beyond the one we inhabit. Additionally, it is likely that black holes may provide a research avenue for humanity’s dream of time and space travel.
How Can We Harness More Energy from the Sun?
Humanity is facing a persistent energy crisis as fossil fuel resources dwindle. The quest for alternative energy sources is ongoing, with solar energy consistently regarded as a promising solution.
However, the reality is that solar energy is currently underutilized. Despite advancements in technology, the efficiency of solar panels remains relatively low, around 16%. Moreover, due to natural conditions, not all regions on Earth can effectively harness solar energy.
The current efficiency of solar panels is not very high
Another question arises: Can humanity harness this infinite and abundant energy source to address the challenges on Earth? Currently, scientists are tirelessly seeking answers to this complex problem.
Is There a Possibility of Life on Mars?
Life may have once existed on Mars and might still exist today. Mars was once home to vast oceans. Scientists have found evidence indicating that liquid water still flows periodically on the surface of Mars. Many countries are planning to send explorers to Mars for further investigation.
The Origins of High-Energy Cosmic Rays
Cosmic rays are high-speed particles traveling through space that occasionally collide with Earth. However, scientists have not yet determined their origin. “Low-energy cosmic rays come from the Sun in the form of charged particle streams known as solar wind. However, identifying the source of high-energy cosmic rays is more challenging as they influence the magnetic fields in interstellar space,” said astronomers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).
The Origins of Fast Radio Bursts (FRB)
Fast Radio Bursts are brief flashes of radio waves in space lasting only a fraction of a millisecond. Similar to cosmic rays, scientists do not know where FRBs originate. One hypothesis suggests they may have the same source, while another opinion asserts that FRBs arise from events that are difficult to replicate.
Why Is There More Matter Than Antimatter?
When a particle of matter collides with a particle of antimatter, they annihilate each other. If the number of matter and antimatter particles were equal, the universe would not exist. According to scientific theory, the Big Bang created equal amounts of both types of particles. But for some reason, this explosion produced more matter particles. According to astronomers at CERN, one of the biggest challenges in physics is finding out what happens to antimatter particles.
Fermi Bubbles
These bubbles are vast and mysterious structures originating from the center of the Milky Way, extending about 20,000 light-years, positioned above and below the plane of the galaxy. This strange phenomenon was first discovered in 2010, accompanied by high-intensity gamma and X-rays, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. Scientists speculate that the gamma rays may be shock waves from stars being engulfed by the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
Notably, since their discovery, the Fermi Bubbles have puzzled astronomers worldwide, as the origins of this massive gamma-ray structure remain unknown.
The Rectangular Galaxy
Astronomers from Australia, Germany, Switzerland, and Finland have discovered a strange astronomical phenomenon about 70 million light-years away – the galaxy LEDAO74886, which has a rectangular shape.
While most galaxies around us are disc-shaped, elliptical, or irregular blobs, some speculate that this shape resulted from the collision of two spiral galaxies. However, no one knows when this occurred, nor has there been a scientifically valid answer provided.
The Moon’s Magnetic Field
There is a mystery regarding the Moon that has puzzled astronomers for a long time, even inspiring the mysterious monolith buried within the Earth in the film “2001: A Space Odyssey.” This mystery revolves around why only certain areas on the Moon’s surface appear to possess a magnetic field.
However, after conducting multiple experiments and analyzing the Moon’s surface, scientists believe that the Moon did have a magnetic field – approximately 450 million years ago.
Currently, this magnetic field has vanished due to the decreasing angle between the Moon’s crust and core, while the distance from the Moon to Earth gradually increases, leading to a reduction in tidal gravitational forces.
Why Do Pulsars Emit Pulses?
A pulsar is a distant neutron star that spins rapidly and emits beams of electromagnetic radiation at regular intervals, similar to a rotating lighthouse beam sweeping across a coastline. Although the first pulsar was discovered in 1967, scientists have long wondered why these stars can emit pulses and why pulsars intermittently stop emitting.
However, in 2008, when a pulsar abruptly ceased to emit pulses for 580 days, scientists found that the timing of pulse emissions related to the pulsar’s own electromagnetic field, which caused its rotation speed to decrease. Astronomers are still trying to uncover the reasons behind the fluctuations in the electromagnetic field.
How Will the Universe End?
Astronomers estimate that the Sun will destroy Earth in about 6 billion years. Several hypotheses about the universe’s end have been proposed. According to thermodynamics, the universe could perish when all matter reaches the same temperature, meaning all stars will fade, and all matter will dissipate. Another perspective suggests that a Big Crunch, an event opposite to the Big Bang, may occur. If the universe continues to expand, eventually the gravitational forces will become too strong, leading everything to collapse. The entire universe would condense into a solid mass, resulting in its total annihilation.