The Story of Elon Musk’s “UFO Fighter Jet” Has Taken the Internet by Storm.
Recently, reports have emerged that Elon Musk is developing a fighter jet that seems straight out of a science fiction story.
“UFO Spaceship” from SpaceX?
A recent video from HyperSpeed on YouTube claims that Elon Musk has created what they describe as an “UFO Fighter Jet”, with specifications and weapons identical to those in a science fiction novel. The video states that this jet has been spotted flying in various airspaces for “testing” and will be equipped with “microwave weapons” that could melt other aircraft in combat.
In a shocking revelation, Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur behind SpaceX and Tesla, announced what he claims is the first spaceship and UFO “to challenge conventional physics.” The spacecraft, named Ethereon, is said to be equipped with propulsion technology that goes beyond aerodynamics, utilizing a gravity-defying drive system based on principles of quantum physics.
At SpaceX headquarters, Musk demonstrated the ability to hover silently, execute instant 90-degree turns, and achieve speeds previously thought impossible for human-engineered vehicles. The design of the craft incorporates lightweight nano materials and a unique energy source believed to be a form of zero-point energy… an infinite energy source theorized by physicists but never harnessed before.
However, as of now, there is no evidence, announcement, or any reliable report indicating that Elon Musk is designing such a fighter jet.