According to Sciencing, ghosts, fairies, and vampires do not actually exist. Therefore, seeing a ghost may simply be a result of fear.
It is essential to acknowledge that there is no scientific evidence proving the existence of ghosts. However, this does not stop people from believing that supernatural forces exist. In a 2013 poll by Huffington Post/YouGov, about 45% of Americans believed in ghosts. Additionally, a Pew survey in 2009 found that 18% of respondents claimed to have seen a ghost.
So, why do people believe in the existence of ghosts? Scientists suggest that this belief is related to cultural factors, similar to the belief in an afterlife.
Seeing Ghosts as a Result of Fear
According to Sciencing, many people believe that seeing ghosts is a side effect of the natural stress response. When extremely scared and stressed, such as walking alone at night, many individuals may think they hear footsteps behind them.
At that moment, the heart starts to race, and your awareness of the surrounding environment becomes much sharper. This heightened sensitivity means that just hearing something or seeing something move can immediately be attributed to a ghost.
Many believe seeing ghosts is due to the side effects of the natural stress response.
This theory has been scientifically validated. Researchers in the UK examined the mental state of individuals who claimed to have seen ghosts. They discovered that these individuals were more likely to perceive ghosts (or other mystical beings) when under stress.
In other words, when stressed, our body becomes overly sensitive to everything around us, leading us to imagine that anything moving could be a ghost.
The Belief in Communicating with the Dead
The belief that one can communicate with the dead is even more common than the belief in the existence of ghosts. When experiencing a profoundly sad event, such as the loss of a loved one, it is natural to feel desperate and seek comfort.
A British cognitive expert named Jennifer Whitson told the BBC: “If the brain cannot be objectively controlled, we will perceive more structures around us, even if they do not exist.“
This implies that the belief in communicating with the dead may stem from its comforting effect or the idea that they are watching over you. Naturally, this means that experiencing a deceased loved one in a dream is also part of your grief and longing for them.
Most people believe in the existence of life after death. Thus, it is not surprising that many believe deceased individuals can appear or communicate with us. The perception of encountering a ghost can be part of a normal grieving process and may even shed light on how the brain reacts in stressful situations.
The Brain Makes You See Things That Aren’t There
Paranormal phenomena may be a result of larger issues within our brains, particularly the gray matter.
The mystery of sleep paralysis remains unsolved (Photo: Sleepcycle).
For some individuals, hearing voices or experiencing strange images may be early signs of psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia.
For those grieving the loss of a loved one, memories of their image may prompt the brain to “recall” souls as a way to cope with psychological trauma.
This creates “encounters” between the living and spirits, referred to by psychologists as “post-mortem communication”.
For a long time, this has been among the most common types of mystical experiences, affecting both skeptics and believers.
Even for those without mental illness, temporary changes in brain activity can lead to feelings of “encountering a ghost.”
Scientists have spent decades trying to unravel the mystery of “sleep paralysis”, where individuals are conscious yet unable to move.
Some believe it occurs when the brain is caught between the conscious state and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.
Different cultures have various names for this strange phenomenon. For instance, in Cambodia, some refer to it as “the ghost that pushes the victim down.” In Nigeria, locals have a different name for it: “the demon sitting on your back.”