Rats not only destroy crops but also damage machinery, equipment, and carry diseases that affect humans.
Farmers create homemade rat traps with surprising results!
Rats have become a pandemic in Australia. Farmers here are constantly struggling to find ways to eliminate these creatures that reproduce at an alarming rate and have a terrifying ability to destroy crops. Many farm owners are “stressed out” fearing bankruptcy!
They have been forced to burn all the dry grass and grains that have been contaminated by rat destruction. Not only do rats damage agricultural products causing economic losses, but the young rats also carry pathogens that affect human health.
Despite the government’s $50 million support package, the rat plague has shown no signs of decreasing. Farmers have had to find ways to exterminate rats on their farms using rat poison or gigantic traps capable of catching thousands of rats in one night, as seen in the video below.
In Australia, this is how they catch rats, but in Vietnam, we also have an equally effective method: making traps to catch rats. Please watch the video below.