After a weekend in the city, the farm owner returned to the farm. A worker drove a Ford to the station to pick him up.
– How was everything at home?
– Oh, it was okay, I guess.
– Anything happen?
– Nothing much to mention. The dog has a slight limp.
– Really? What happened?
– The horse almost went crazy; it broke out of the barn, its coat nearly singed, and it kicked the dog.
– Singed coat?
– Yes, indeed. When the grain barn burned down, all the straw and livestock were consumed by the flames, except for the horse… I had to shoot it because it was so severely burned.
– How did the barn catch fire?
– I’m sure it was from some sparks from the house. That’s what woke me up… one of your daughters was screaming from the second floor that the house was on fire.
– Wow! The house is gone! Was there anything you could save?
– Yes, when I woke up, the entire kitchen was blazing, but I managed to unlock the main stairs and get everyone out. However, I remembered that your apple cider barrel was still in the storage room behind the kitchen, and I knew you didn’t want anything to happen to that barrel. By the time I got it out, it was too late to save the two girls, the child, or even your wife. I’m sure your elderly folks were also grilled to perfection, but I saved the apple cider barrel.
– Ah, that’s something. Is there anything else?
– That’s all. It was a pretty quiet weekend. :))