What is Mold on Food? Is It Safe to Cut Off the Moldy Part and Eat the Rest?
We’ve all found ourselves in this situation at some point. You’re enjoying a piece of cake when suddenly you notice a spot of mold. No big deal, right? Some people believe that simply removing the moldy part is sufficient, while others can’t continue eating once they see any mold on their food.
If you’ve ever wondered what happens if you eat mold, here are some important things you need to know.
Small spots of mold on food can be harmful to those who consume them (Photo credit: Getty).
No matter the reason or purpose for eating, whether for enjoyment or to stave off hunger, consuming moldy food is generally frowned upon.
While eating a small amount of mold might not cause immediate problems for most people, certain types of mold can be extremely harmful to the body. Furthermore, even the mildest types of mold can lead to fungal infections in individuals with weakened immune systems.
For the majority, eating a piece of moldy food is not catastrophic. Stomach acid can kill the mold, break it down, and make it harmless.
However, depending on the type of mold and the amount ingested, the issue can become more serious. Just because you see a small spot of mold on the surface doesn’t mean there isn’t a larger amount inside the food.
So, if you cut off the moldy part, is the rest safe to eat? The answer is no. Mold is actually a very small fungus, which means it has spores, roots, and stems. Even if you only see a few small spots, it doesn’t mean the roots haven’t spread throughout the entire piece of food.
Thus, eating anything that is moldy is not good. In fact, some types of mold can produce mycotoxins, a type of toxin that can lead to severe poisoning and even cancer if you are exposed to them over a long period of time. Therefore, it is best to avoid eating any food that shows signs of mold.
Additionally, exposure to mycotoxins can be extremely difficult to detect, especially if you have been exposed for an extended period. This makes eating moldy food very dangerous, even if you only occasionally find yourself in that situation.
What about mold in certain types of cheese? The mold in blue cheese is not dangerous. In fact, these molds are safe to eat and are even encouraged to develop in cheese to enhance its unique flavor.
However, cheeses that are not intentionally moldy but have become moldy should absolutely not be consumed.
The core takeaway is don’t eat moldy food unless it is a type of food specifically cultured with mold to create a special product. If you see mold on food, it is best to discard the entire item, as it may contain harmful mold that has penetrated deep inside, even if you can’t see it.