While many couples in love may disagree, Italian scientists claim that the feeling of romantic love lasts no longer than a year.
A team from the University of Pavia has discovered a chemical in the brain responsible for the initial feelings of love. The levels of this protein increase, leading to the euphoric and dependent feelings that people often experience in the early stages of a relationship. However, after studying individuals who are newly in love, those in long-term relationships, and singles, they found that these protein levels gradually decrease over time.
The team analyzed the changes in proteins known as neurotrophins in the blood of boys and girls aged 18-31. They studied 58 individuals who had just entered the realm of romance and compared their protein levels to those of 58 individuals in long-term relationships and singles.
In those who have just started a relationship, the levels of NGF (nerve growth factor) — which causes symptoms such as sweaty palms and restlessness — were significantly higher. In individuals who have been in love for more than a year, NGF levels returned to normal.
Research author Piergluigi Politi states that these results do not mean that the individuals no longer love each other, but rather that the intensity of that love has diminished. “Love has become more stable. The romance seems to have ended.”
“Our current understanding of the psychology of romantic love is still limited. This study shows that biochemical mechanisms may play a role in the mood changes of individuals, occurring from the early stages of a relationship until it stabilizes,” Politi commented.