Eat to live, that is the motto of smart individuals who know how to maintain their health. Certain foods are essential for women’s health as they help extend lifespan and prevent diseases:
Carrots: 68% of women can avoid diseases by eating one carrot every day. They stimulate the immune system and reduce cholesterol.
Cabbage: Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, it helps prevent heart disease and cancer.
Sweet Potatoes: High in carotene, they prevent night blindness, cataracts, and reduce the risk of lung cancer.
Tuna: A food rich in selenium and Omega-3 fatty acids, it helps keep your heart youthful.
Green Peppers: Contains three times more vitamin C than orange juice. They are a great weapon against age-related eye diseases.
Broccoli: The number one anti-cancer vegetable. It helps you avoid heart and bone diseases, and keeps your skin soft and elastic.
Strawberries: Help regulate blood pressure. They also inhibit nitrosamines, a cancer-causing compound.
Yogurt: Stimulates the immune system to eliminate viruses and tumors. The live cultures in yogurt help neutralize factors that cause colorectal cancer.