During the monitoring process, authorities have noted that many households are reluctant to vaccinate their poultry. How will this issue be handled? Mr. DAU NGOC HAO, Deputy Director of the Veterinary Department, stated:
– In addition to awareness campaigns, we will soon implement administrative measures against livestock owners who do not comply with regulations. With this “stick,” localities will be able to effectively carry out vaccination campaigns.
* Sir, is it true that small-scale farmers are concerned about the costs associated with vaccinating their poultry?
– Small farmers do not have to pay anything; they only need to bring their chickens for vaccination. Concentrated farms with 2,000 or more chickens, as well as foreign-invested enterprises, must purchase vaccines at their own expense. However, the unvaccinated poultry mainly comes from small-scale farmers rather than large farms.
* But the regulation that poultry can only be sold 28 days after vaccination will create difficulties for families needing to sell their poultry immediately?
– We stipulate that if the poultry has more than 70 days left before sale, it must be vaccinated. This regulation is in place to ensure there is enough time for two doses of the vaccine. If they plan to sell the poultry in less than 70 days, we will not vaccinate them. Vaccination is intended to protect poultry from diseases, not to prevent people from selling their livestock.
K.HUNG reporting