The Maya civilization is one of the oldest and most mysterious civilizations in the world, emerging from a highly intelligent people. The Maya civilization spread across the dense jungles of Central America, born in the tropical forest.
Maya Temple in the Jungle.
The Maya independently created a great civilization in isolation from the ancient civilizations of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Even in the Stone Age, they achieved remarkable advancements in astronomy, mathematics, agricultural art, and writing. The rise, development, decline, and disappearance of this entire civilization remains a mystery.
The civilization of the Maya was splendid and magnificent. They had advanced calendrical systems. Through the study of the calendars left by the Maya, researchers were astonished to discover that they employed three entirely different dating methods.
Maya Calendar.
The Maya calendar and their astronomical knowledge were remarkably precise. They divided a year into 18 months and estimated the Earth year to be 365.2420 days. The modern calculation is 365.2422 days, showing only a slight error. Furthermore, the difference between the Venus year they computed and the current calculations is merely 7 seconds over 50 years. Additionally, they also calculated a Tzolkin year, a cycle of 260 days, consisting of 13 months with each month having 20 days. The planet known as Tzolkin cannot be based on any observable celestial body on Earth. Some believe that the Tzolkien calendar was developed by the ancestors of the Maya on a planet we are yet to discover.
Earth and Venus.
The Maya also created a base-20 counting system, and their numerical calculations could be used for 4 million years to come. Thousands of years ago, during a time that did not utilize bronze or iron, in an era of slash-and-burn agriculture, people on Earth were unaware that the Earth was round. Where did the Maya obtain such advanced astronomical knowledge and numerical calculations?
Why Did the Maya Study Venus During That Era?
In 1952, a stone slab carved with human figures was excavated from the ruins of a Maya temple. At that time, it was thought that the carvings depicted merely mythological tales of the ancient Maya. After the 1960s, humanity finally managed to send spacecraft into space. When this image was presented to astronauts, they all agreed that it resembled an ancient spacecraft.
Maya Mural.
Some scientists have speculated that the mysterious Maya could actually be extraterrestrial visitors, and their homeland is the mysterious planet Venus Tzolkin. In ancient times, this planet had favorable natural conditions, not only possessing the liquid water essential for life but also mountains and plains rich in plant and animal life, along with advanced civilizations. However, there are 8 planets in the solar system, and none orbit the sun like Venus Tzolkin, which does so every 260 days.
According to modern astronomical calculations, if such a planet existed, it would have to lie between Earth and Venus. This reasonably explains why they accurately calculated the Venus year and the Earth year, just as Earth lies between Mars and Venus, and we are also conducting in-depth studies of these two planets. In reality, there is no star between Venus and Earth; there is only an asteroid belt. This asteroid belt is composed of countless asteroids of various sizes. From this, it can be inferred that Tzoer Venus once existed but exploded for unknown reasons and vanished from the Solar System. This asteroid belt remains as the remnants of its explosion.
Extraterrestrial Immigrant Room.
There could be numerous reasons behind the explosion of Tzolkin, possibly due to high-tech wars on the planet, the impact of asteroids, or other unimaginable factors. However, whatever the cause, it was a disaster for the inhabitants of that planet.
Before the explosion occurred, some individuals on this planet were preparing to leave their homeland and continue the flame of civilization. They faced two choices: Earth and Venus. However, they also knew that the environment on the surface of Venus was extremely harsh, akin to hell: surface temperatures maintained above 400°C year-round, atmospheric pressure 90 times that of Earth, along with acid rain, continuous thunder, and lightning throughout the year. Therefore, they only had one choice – Earth.
On this day, a group of Zolkins arrived on Earth aboard a spacecraft and began their lives. However, cultivating the wilderness on Earth was no easy task. Like many civilizations on Earth, this civilization mysteriously vanished.