Alex, who lives in London, has become a mother despite facing infertility due to cancer treatment. Her twin sister, Charlotte, generously agreed to donate her eggs, while their other sister, Helen, served as the surrogate.
Baby Charlie, conceived from Charlotte’s eggs and the sperm of Shaun, Alex’s husband, was born 16 weeks ago, weighing approximately 3.7 kg. Alex expressed her gratitude, saying, “The little boy is a blessing, and I will be forever thankful to my two sisters.”
Alex and Shaun married when Alex was 28 years old. However, after being diagnosed with cervical cancer and undergoing treatment, Alex lost her ability to conceive. The idea of bringing baby Charlie into the world came entirely from her sisters. Initially, it was just a joke, and Alex never imagined her sisters would actually help her.
The success rate for in vitro fertilization is only about 25%, but fortunately, the pregnancy occurred on the first attempt, and Helen became pregnant.
Despite carrying Charlie for nine months, Helen stated she had no hesitation in giving him back to her sister immediately after his birth: “I was just the surrogate mother for Alex, and I don’t view handing Charlie back to her as giving him up.”
She also mentioned being surprised by how much she missed baby Charlie afterward but added that she would be willing to carry another child for Alex if she wanted more.
Charlotte was thrilled for her twin sister. “Being twins adds a special significance—baby Charlie will resemble his mother as much as possible. I don’t need my eggs anymore since I’ve already had a child.”
Huyen Trang (According to BBC)