Not only can these breakfast choices harm the body and contribute to obesity, but they can also activate cancer cells. The World Health Organization (WHO) has placed five popular breakfast options on its ‘blacklist’, yet many still choose to consume them regularly.
Breakfast is often considered the most important meal of the day. This is reflected in the saying: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper,” which emphasizes the significant role of a nutritious breakfast for overall health. Breakfast not only fills the nutritional gaps after a long night of sleep but also provides energy for our active day ahead.
However, this is only true if you eat breakfast the right way. Consuming breakfast incorrectly can lead to unforeseen health consequences, such as nurturing cancer cells, poisoning the body, or shortening lifespan.
Below are five breakfast items that WHO has classified as ones to avoid as much as possible, yet many people still indulge in them daily.
1. Breakfast with Processed Meats like Sausages, Bacon…
WHO has classified processed meats as Group 1 carcinogens, alongside tobacco.
In today’s fast-paced modern life, the creation of processed meats is indeed a “great invention” as it saves us a lot of time in meal preparation, especially for breakfast.
However, it’s important to know that processed meats contain nitrites to give them a pink color, extend shelf life, and make them tender. Nitrites, when ingested, can bind with protein-decomposing substances in the stomach to form the carcinogen nitrosamine. In 2015, WHO classified processed meats as Group 1 carcinogens, alongside tobacco.
2. Breakfast with Fried Foods like Fried Chicken, Fried Meat, French Fries…
Starting the day with favorite fried dishes is often seen as a way to enjoy life. Crispy fried chicken, juicy fried meat, or rich French fries can be delightful breakfast choices that stimulate your taste and visual senses.
Nevertheless, fried foods are low in nutrients and high in fat content, and long-term consumption can lead to noticeable weight gain and obesity.
Fried foods are low in nutrients and high in fat.
WHO has also classified fried foods as Group 2A carcinogens, meaning they are compounds that may cause cancer in humans, alongside red meat.
This is because when foods are fried at high temperatures, nutrients like vitamins break down, and proteins and fats easily transform into carcinogens like acrylamide.
3. Breakfast with Pickled Vegetables like Pickled Cucumbers, Pickled Carrots, Kimchi…
To enhance appetite for breakfast, many opt for pickled vegetables. Although pickled cucumbers, pickled carrots, and kimchi are simple, affordable, and delicious, they come with risks.
However, it’s crucial to note that these contain high levels of salt, which can produce nitrites during fermentation. WHO warns that pickled vegetables can damage the gastric mucosa and increase the risk of stomach cancer. Additionally, consuming these foods in excess can elevate obesity, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases.
4. Breakfast with Foods that are Too Hot (Above 65°C)
Foods hotter than 65°C can damage the esophagus, mouth, and throat…
According to WHO, consuming food above 65°C can damage the esophagus, mouth, and throat, increasing the risk of cancer. Additionally, excessively hot food can severely harm the digestive system and intestines.
5. Breakfast with Salted Fish
Similar to pickled vegetables, salted fish is easy to eat and can stimulate appetite for breakfast. However, WHO advises against consuming salted fish due to its potential to increase the risk of throat cancer.
This is because salted fish contains high levels of nitrites, which react with proteins in the stomach to form carcinogenic nitrosamines, leading to DNA mutations and cancer.