Few people realize that certain foods can subtly contribute to weight gain. Let’s take a look at 5 types of foods that are “enemies” of our body shape that we consume daily.
Foods That Can Cause Weight Gain
1. Instant Noodles
Instant noodles are a very familiar dish. (Image: Pinterest).
Instant noodles are a common meal choice for many, often eaten for breakfast or dinner. However, instant noodles are deep-fried in oil, containing significantly more calories compared to other foods. On average, a pack of instant noodles contains about 378 calories. To burn off these calories, you would need to run for 57 minutes.
2. Sticky Rice Cake
Every 100 grams of sticky rice cake can contain 261 calories. (Image: Cookpad)
Sticky rice cake is a beloved dish for many. This cake is made from glutinous rice flour and comes with a variety of fillings, both sweet and savory. However, each 100 grams of sticky rice cake can contain up to 261 calories. Moreover, glutinous rice flour is high in carbohydrates and sugars, which can lead to increased blood sugar levels if consumed regularly.
3. Egg Bread
Each egg bread contains about 330 calories. (Image: Cookpad)
Many people enjoy egg bread, especially for breakfast. Studies have shown that each piece of egg bread contains around 330 calories. During cooking, oil is often added, and sometimes even pâté, to enhance the flavor. As a result, the fat content in the bread is relatively high, which can lead to increased fat accumulation in the body if consumed frequently.
4. Rice Vermicelli
Rice vermicelli is primarily made from starch and contains high carbohydrates. (Image: Cookpad)
Nowadays, fewer people cook at home, often opting for more convenient fast foods. Rice vermicelli and instant noodles are becoming increasingly popular. Rice vermicelli is mainly made from starch and has a high carbohydrate content, along with a significant amount of oil.
A bowl of beef rice vermicelli (approximately 208g) provides around 347 calories. A bowl of crab rice vermicelli (approximately 208g) contains about 465 calories. A bowl of Hanoi grilled pork rice vermicelli (208g) has around 390 calories. The highest is the shrimp paste rice vermicelli (208g), which can exceed 550 calories.
Although it may seem like a very healthy food, it can unexpectedly lead to weight gain. Furthermore, many merchants add stabilizers for profit, significantly affecting health.
5. Steamed Buns
Steamed buns are not low in calories. (Image: Cookpad)
Steamed buns have a surprisingly high calorie content. Many people often think of steamed buns as a main food for weight loss, but this is actually a misconception. Steamed buns are primarily made from wheat flour, and their fillings usually consist of meat and eggs or sausages, all of which are high in calories. Combined with the bun’s skin, the calorie count increases significantly.
Foods That Keep You Full Without Gaining Weight
There are 4 main types of foods you can eat freely without worrying about gaining weight, and they are good for your health.
1. Corn
Eating corn can boost metabolism without affecting weight loss. (Image: Pinterest)
Corn is a grain that is rich in vitamins and fiber, which helps promote digestion. Eating corn can enhance metabolism without impacting weight loss.
You can incorporate corn into your daily meals or use corn flour for cooking, but avoid frying or sautéing as this would be counterproductive.
2. Sweet Potatoes
100 grams of sweet potatoes contain only about 80 calories. (Image: Pinterest)
Sweet potatoes have a relatively low carbohydrate content, with only about 80 calories for 100 grams. In contrast, 100 grams of rice contains more than 100 calories. Therefore, using sweet potatoes as a main food can help with weight loss and fat burning. However, it’s important not to consume too many sweet potatoes, as overeating can still lead to obesity.
3. Oats
Oats are a staple food with low sugar and high nutrition. (Image: Pinterest)
Oats are a staple food that is low in sugar and highly nutritious. They are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. The β-glucan in oats is effective in reducing cholesterol and boosting the immune system. Moreover, oats have a low glycemic index, helping stabilize blood sugar levels, making them very suitable for older adults.
4. Quinoa
Quinoa is a nutrient-rich food that contains all 9 essential amino acids for the body. (Image: Pinterest)
Quinoa is a nutrient-rich food that contains all 9 essential amino acids necessary for the body. Although quinoa can be more expensive, it offers numerous health benefits, making it worth considering for your daily diet.
Advice on Daily Staple Food Consumption
According to the dietary guidelines of Chinese nutritionists in 2016, an adult should consume between 250-400 grams of staple foods daily. Staple foods are characterized by high carbohydrate content, providing the body with sufficient energy. Therefore, a daily intake of around 250 grams of staple food is reasonable.
Staple foods come in various forms such as rice, corn, buckwheat, oats, sweet potatoes, lotus root, and taro, allowing you to choose based on personal preference. The amount of staple food needed will vary depending on individual health conditions and cannot be universally applied to everyone.