In nature, there are many creatures that can give humans headaches, such as flies, cockroaches, and mice.
What is the most commonly used tool to deal with these pests? For different animal species, people may use various methods, but currently, many people are using sticky traps to catch flies. This type of cardboard filled with adhesive is also very effective for trapping mice. However, the British believe that this method is very inhumane towards mice.
Next, let’s explore why the British consider using sticky traps for mice to be contrary to humanitarian principles, to the extent that they have even proposed a law to ban their use?
This type of cardboard filled with adhesive is also very effective for trapping mice.
Sticky traps are a physical method of catching mice that many households apply due to their convenience. Most of the sticky traps used today are colorless, odorless, environmentally friendly, and safer and more hygienic than other mouse trapping methods.
Once a mouse gets stuck to this trap