In the Bixoka Bay region, located south of the capital Lima in Peru, stands an 820-foot tall red stone wall constructed by humans. This wall features a carving resembling a trident or a three-pronged candlestick. Each prong of the trident is 13 feet wide, made from gleaming white stones as hard as granite, intricately carved. If it were not buried under sand today, it would still radiate a dazzling light.
Some archaeologists suggest that the “trident” on the stone wall by Bixoka Bay serves as a landmark to guide ships. However, the majority of archaeologists disagree with this view. They argue that the trident graphic on the bay’s shore would not be visible to vessels from all angles. Moreover, it is questionable whether such “ocean-faring” ships existed in ancient times.
If there were vessels relying on that signal for navigation, why did the Inca not utilize the two nearby islands instead? These islands lie directly along the extended line of the “trident”, providing a more favorable natural condition for visibility. Regardless of the direction from which ships approach the bay, these islands are visible from afar.
If the “trident” were used to guide ships, sailors coming from the north or south would not be able to see it. Furthermore, the primary intent of the creators of the “trident” appears to have been to point skyward.
Another point to consider is that the location of the “trident” lacks any features, aside from a sandy beach, that would attract sailors’ attention. Additionally, during prehistoric times, the bay contained numerous submerged rocks, making it unsuitable for vessels to dock. Therefore, archaeologists believe that the ancient shimmering graphic of the “trident” was created to serve as a guide for those who could “fly” in the sky.
Archaeologists speculate that if the “trident” is a sign for aerial navigation, it should not stand alone; there must be something surrounding it. In the 1930s, 100 miles from the “trident”, archaeologists discovered many mysterious geoglyphs in the Nasca desert. These geoglyphs are spread across a narrow strip of land extending 37 miles from the northern part of Pampas to the southern part of Nasca. They consist of geometric shapes, animal depictions, and neatly arranged stones, resembling the layout of an airport.
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The Great Lion with a Curled Tail |
If one were to fly over this desert, they could observe large, shimmering pathways stretching for several miles, sometimes running parallel, sometimes intersecting, and at other times forming irregular quadrilaterals. Additionally, one could see the shapes of gigantic animals constructed from gleaming stones, including enormous crocodiles and great lions with curled tails, along with strange creatures not found on Earth.
Who created these geoglyphs? Why are they so disproportionately large? Additionally, why can their complete shapes only be recognized from high in the sky?
According to local legend, in ancient times, unknown intelligent beings landed in the uninhabited desert near present-day Nasca, and they “constructed” a temporary spaceport for their spacecraft. Subsequently, many of their spacecraft took off and landed here. Thus, these extraterrestrial visitors, after completing their missions, departed from Earth to return to their planet. The Inca tribe at that time witnessed these extraterrestrial activities and retained a profound impression.
Archaeologists strongly believe in such myth-like legends. They further deduce that if a landing site on the Nasca desert was chosen, then the “trident” in Bixoka must have been designed as a sign for a “spaceport,” and there must be some other signal to the south of Nasca.
In the Englondao mountain region of Bolivia, 250 miles from Nasca, many similar artifacts have also been discovered. Various locations reveal graphics featuring square shapes, arrows, and stair-like patterns. There is even a mountainside decorated with a rectangle, adorned with very few decorative elements. In one area of a flat surface, steep cliffs surround graphics of circles, ovals, and checkerboards radiating outward. Furthermore, in the Tairaphacan desert, rarely trodden by humans, there is a drawing of a giant robot. This robot drawing stands about 330 feet tall, shaped like a rectangle resembling a checkerboard, with straight legs, a thin neck topped with a rectangular head, and 12 equally long antenna-like protrusions. From its back down to its thighs are triangular fins resembling the wings of a supersonic jet fighter attached to its sides. This geoglyph is located approximately 500 miles from the Nasca desert.
Archaeologists speculate that these geoglyphs are related to extraterrestrial visitors and represent an ancient site that requires precise study.