The “Lion” chicken is one of the most beautiful breeds in the world of poultry, known for its huge crest.
In the world of chickens, the Polish chicken is one of the most collected and favored breeds globally. In Vietnam, Polish chickens were imported a few years ago and have been successfully bred.
The large feathers make their heads look like a magnificent flower.
Polish chickens, also known as Lion Polish chickens, are not only beautiful but also unique; the longer they breed, the more striking their colors become. Due to their name “lion,” this breed is very aggressive, and the feather mane on their heads resembles that of a lion.
Despite their name, Polish chickens originated from the Netherlands and are popular in Europe.
Polish chickens come in many colors, but their unique feature is the tuft of feathers on their heads. Their enormous crest covered with feathers looks like a small crown, enhancing their majestic appearance.
The reason behind this breed’s strange feather colors and shapes remains unclear. It may be due to nature or possibly intentional breeding by humans.
From the moment they hatch, Polish chicks already have a tuft of feathers on their heads.
Due to their unique appearance, Polish chickens are favored as ornamental birds.
In some rural areas of Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, Polish chickens are raised for cockfighting during early spring festivals or as ornamental pets.
Polish chickens have an average weight of about 1.8 to 2 kg.
In Vietnam, many wealthy individuals seek to purchase them primarily as ornamental pets. They once caused a sensation in the ornamental animal community when prices reached up to $2,500 per bird (approximately over 50 million VND).