According to a survey conducted by Dr. Pham Thi Nguyet Anh from the Ho Chi Minh City Center for Occupational Health and Environmental Health, among 300 middle school students regarding their preferences for school bags, 72% of students indicated a preference for single-strap bags, while only 17% preferred double-strap bags, and 11% opted for handheld bags.
All students expressed a desire for lightweight bags; however, most preferred bags with 3-4 compartments. Due to these preferences, Dr. Anh noted that the incidence of scoliosis, particularly functional scoliosis caused by improper posture during study and the excessive weight of single-strap bags, is currently quite high.
At the Orthopedic Hospital, 53% of students from Tan Binh were found to have scoliosis, and a study at the Vietnam-Australia Pediatric Hospital in 2004 discovered that 40% of students in Go Vap were also affected by scoliosis.
Dr. Anh recommends that students use double-strap bags to maintain an upright posture, prevent scoliosis, and reduce the risk of accidents when falling backward.