Beithir Fire, the strongest beer in the world, comes with a warning label advising consumers to “not drink more than 35ml at once” due to its extremely high alcohol content.
All alcoholic beverages should be consumed in moderation, but this is especially true for extremely strong beers like Beithir Fire, which is potent enough to numb the drinker’s tongue.
Beithir Fire, the strongest beer in the world. (Photo: O.C).
With an alcohol by volume (ABV) of 75%, this Scottish-style barley beer undergoes a two-month brewing process followed by a blend with pure Scottish spirits, and then experiences triple fermentation and filtration to eliminate any impurities. Launched in 2021 by 88Brewery in Scotland, Beithir Fire quickly gained legendary status due to its extremely high alcohol content.
Although it is one of the most intriguing beers globally, the creators behind this brew advise daring drinkers to limit themselves to a maximum of 35ml at a time to avoid drunkenness and potential health issues.
“With an alcohol content of 75%, Beithir Fire officially becomes the strongest beer in the world. This beer is not for the faint-hearted; it should only be enjoyed in small amounts of no more than 35ml. We do not take responsibility for any risks you may encounter and do not encourage reckless behavior,” states the 88Brewery website.
Beithir Fire recently gained widespread attention thanks to a TikTok video by Dan, who runs the @1minutebeerreview account. He took a sip of the world’s strongest beer and described the sensation of his throat feeling like it was on fire and his tongue becoming numb.
“It felt like my throat was ablaze. I had to stand up and take a break,” Dan said, wiping sweat from his brow after taking a sip of Beithir Fire.
Not only is Beithir Fire the strongest beer in the world, but it is also one of the most expensive, priced at $58. Is it worth it? Of course, that depends on personal preference, but with an ABV of 75%, drinkers are likely to be less focused on the flavor and more on the burning sensation in their throat when consuming this beer.
The second strongest beer in the world is Snake Venom, which has an alcohol content of 67.5%.