Today, November 7, the world will witness the launch of one of the largest and most powerful satellites into space. This satellite, named Inmarsat-4 F2, is produced by the United Kingdom and is the second of three satellites built to enhance the global communications system.
Inmarsat-4 F2 was launched from a sea-based launch facility near Christmas Island, located in the equatorial region, and was placed into orbit by the Zenit-3SL rocket. Originally scheduled for launch on Saturday, November 5, the launch was postponed by 48 hours for final technical checks.
Inmarsat-4 F2 will enhance and expand communication systems across South America, parts of North America, the Atlantic Ocean, and portions of the Pacific Ocean. It is known that the first satellite of this type was launched in March from Cape Canaveral, with its mission to cover most of Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Indian Ocean.
Both satellites will be operational for the global broadband network company BGan. Their functionality will enable users to establish virtual offices anywhere in the world thanks to high-speed broadband connectivity and new 3G telephony technology.
Each of the two satellites weighs 6 tons and is the size of a London bus, and they are expected to carry out their missions over the next 15 years.
KINH LUÂN (According to BBC NEWS)