The knee joint plays a crucial role in the movement of the body. When the joint is healthy and functioning well, people tend to overlook its importance. However, when it becomes damaged and stiff, it can severely limit activities and cause pain that can render a person’s life nearly incapacitated.
According to reports from the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in every 8 individuals aged 18-79 suffers from knee-related diseases. Knee joint disorders can be caused by various factors such as obesity, heavy labor, mechanical disorders of the knee (malalignment of the lower limbs), aging, and genetics. Additionally, knee damage can also result from injuries sustained during sports or traffic accidents.
Dr. Serge Courtois, Head of the Orthopedic Department at FV Hospital, states that there are two treatment approaches depending on the stage of the disease: conservative (non-surgical) and surgical treatment. Conservative treatment is applicable for mild cases, while surgical treatment is reserved for moderate to severe cases. Depending on the disease’s stage, appropriate treatments include arthroscopy, osteotomy for realignment, and total knee arthroplasty, with the latter indicated for the most severe cases.
According to Dr. Serge Courtois: “Knee replacement surgery is indicated when a patient has knee damage, either due to cartilage wear or a rheumatic disease that destroys the joint surface. The wear can affect the entire joint or just a part of it (most commonly the inner side), causing pain in the knee during movement and potentially leading to knee stiffness. Both of these symptoms hinder the patient’s mobility. The purpose of total knee arthroplasty is to remove the damaged cartilage surfaces and replace them with an artificial knee joint.”
However, Dr. Courtois emphasizes: “One should not overly rely on knee replacement when the levels of pain and deformity are not yet severe, as the lifespan of an artificial joint is not permanent. Each artificial knee joint typically lasts between 10 to 15 years. To avoid the need for a second knee replacement in younger individuals who are at high risk of early failure due to high activity levels and longevity, replacement should ideally be considered for those aged 40 and older. Only in severe cases should patients be compelled to undergo replacement to ensure knee function and mobility.”
It is noted that knee replacement surgery has been performed worldwide for over 40 years. To date, millions of people have undergone this procedure, restoring their ability to move, reducing or eliminating pain, and thereby enhancing their quality of life. In Vietnam, this technique has only been applied in the past 5 years and is currently available at several hospitals such as FV, Viet Duc, Military Central Hospital 108, Xanh Pôn, and the Ho Chi Minh City Center for Orthopedic Trauma…
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