The life of Alfred Nobel is filled with numerous inventions, and his purpose was clear: all innovations should serve humanity.
To ensure that his safe explosives could benefit everyone, he built his own factory and personally traveled to various countries to demonstrate how to use them, introducing the advantages of this yellow substance to the public.
Nobel’s factory grew rapidly, and he became a talented businessman and millionaire. However, unlike other millionaires, he did not place great value on wealth and material possessions. He once stated: “Money is only needed to cover living expenses; having too much is not necessarily a good thing.” When his mother passed away, he donated her entire inheritance to charity, keeping only a photograph of her as a memento. Despite having considerable wealth, Nobel did not intend to leave it all to his daughter. He believed that giving too much money to children would make them lazy and dependent in life.
He thought this way and acted accordingly. In his will, he arranged for his assets to be distributed as follows: All of his assets, once sold, would be used as a capital fund. The interest from this fund would be divided into five equal parts in the form of prizes: one part for significant inventions or discoveries in the field of physics; the second for chemistry; the third for physiology and medicine; the fourth for outstanding literary works; and the fifth for individuals who made significant contributions to the unity of nations, the abolition of slavery, the reduction of military forces, or the promotion of peace conferences.
Nobel had profound thoughts regarding the five types of awards he established. Throughout his life, Nobel studied chemistry and physics, recognizing them as crucial scientific fields. He was also interested in medicine and physiology, but due to his busy schedule, he did not have much time to dedicate to research in these areas. Before he died, he still wished to establish a medical research institution. However, this desire was never fulfilled, so he set up a prize in this field to encourage the advancement of medicine.
Nobel enjoyed reading several famous literary works, and out of his love for literature, he decided to establish a literary prize, hoping to foster the creation of more outstanding literary pieces to satisfy the public’s demand. He invented explosives with the hope that they would bring happiness to humanity, but in reality, explosives were used for destruction among people. To promote peace against war, he decided to create a peace prize. Later, this award played a significant role in the global peacekeeping efforts.
The five types of Nobel prizes demonstrate that Nobel was a person of high ideals and great aspirations. His name, as well as the prize bearing his name, will forever live on in people’s hearts.
“Science is a special manifestation of human intelligence”
— Nobel —
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