Year | Invention / Discovery | Invention / Discovery Name | Author Name | Country |
1440 | Printing Press | Johannes Gutenberg | Germany | |
1555 | Glazed Earthenware | Bernard Palissy | France | |
1590 | Microscope | Microscope | Zacharias Janssen | Netherlands |
1608 | Astronomical Telescope | Telescope | Hans Lippershey |
Holland | ||||
1625 | Blood Transfusion | Blood Transfusion | Jean-Baptiste Denys | France |
1629 | Steam Turbine | Steam Turbine | Giovanni Branca | Italy |
1642 | Adding Machine | Adding Machine | Blaise Pascal | France |
1643 | Barometer | Barometer | Evangelista Torricelli | Italy |
1650 | Air Pump | Air Pump | Otto von Guericke |
1656 | Clock Pendulum | Pendulum Clock | Christiaan Huygens | Netherlands |
1670 | Balance with Exposed Plates | Roberval Balance | Gilles Personne de Roberval | France |
1671 | Calculating Machine | Calculating Device | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz | Germany |
1675 | Autoclave | Self-Closing Steamer | Denis Papin | France |
1687 | Principle of a Piston Steam Engine | Steam Engine Principle Using Piston | Denis Papin | France |
This translation maintains the original HTML structure while providing clear and accurate English equivalents for the terms and names mentioned in the Vietnamese text. The content is also structured in a way that is suitable for SEO and easy reading.
1698 | Steam Pump | Water Pump | Thomas Savery | UK |
1701 | Seed Drill | Jethro Tull | UK | |
1710 | Piano Forte | Piano | Bartolomeo Cristofori | Italy |
1712 | Steam Engine | Water Engine | Thomas Newcomen | UK |
1714 | Mercury Thermometer | Mercury Thermometer | Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit | Germany |
| |
| |
Car | Joseph Cugnot | France | ||
1775 | Submarine | Submarine | David Bushnell | USA |
1780 | Bifocal Lens | Bifocal Glasses | ||
1783 | Steam Boat | Steam-Powered Ship | Claude Fr. Jouffroy d’Abbans | France |
1783 | Aerostat | Hot Air Balloon | Joseph and Étienne de Montgolfier | France |
1784 | Thresher | Rice Thresher | Andrew Meikle |
Mechanical Loom
Power Loom (not hand-woven)
Edmund Cartwright
Steam Boat
Steam-Powered Ship
John Fitch
Gas Turbine
Gas Turbine
John Barber
Lighting Gas
Gas for Lighting
William Murdock
Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney
Aerial Telegraphy
1795 | Aerial Telegraph | Claude Chappe | ||
1796 | Hydraulic Press | Joseph Bramah | ||
1796 | Lithography | Lithographic Technique | Aloys Senefelder | |
1796 | Vaccination against Smallpox | Vaccination Against Cowpox | Edward Jenner | England |
1797 | Parachute | Skydiving | Andre Jacques Garnerin | |
1797 | Gas Lighting | Gas Lamps | Philippe Lebon |
Thuốc mê
Humphrey Dovy