When faced with a malfunction or a need to reinstall your computer, one of your primary concerns will undoubtedly be the drivers for your devices. Without the correct drivers, your devices will not function properly.
Unfortunately, not all devices come with pre-installed drivers supported by Windows. If you lose the driver disk, it can be a significant problem. Therefore, while your devices are still functioning well with the installed drivers, it’s advisable to back them up in case you need to reinstall your system in the future.
Driver Genius Professional Edition 2005 is a utility specifically designed for backing up and restoring device drivers.
In the main window of the program, the left pane lists all the devices present on your machine. To back up the driver for a specific device, check the box next to that device’s name, or check the box next to your computer’s name at the top branch to back up all drivers. In the right pane, under the Backup Location section, you can select the folder where the drivers will be saved. Click the Start Backup button to begin the backup process.
If you need to restore previously backed-up drivers, from the main window, go to the menu View Restore Drivers from a Folder, and select the folder containing the backup files to complete the process.
Driver Genius Professional Edition 2005 is a commercial software product from Driver-Soft Inc, compatible with Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Server 2003. You can download a trial version at http://www.driver-soft.com (5.6 MB) or purchase it on compilation CDs, which are currently available in the market.