A commonly seen photo processing effect in film footage is the Camera effect. You don’t need to use a digital camera or any other hardware tools to create this effect. In Photoshop, you can easily achieve it with just a few steps as outlined below.
Step 1: Open the photo you want to apply the effect to, double-click on the Background layer to convert it to a regular layer. Click OK in the next dialog box. Then, press Ctrl+J to duplicate this layer into a new one.
Step 2: Go to the menu Filter/ Blur/ Gaussian Blur, and in the Gaussian Blur dialog box, set the Radius value to 2.0 pixels.
Next, click on the Add a layer mask icon in the Layers panel to create a mask for this layer. Then, in the Tools toolbar, select the Gradient tool, and in the Options bar, choose the Radial Gradient style. Drag the mouse from the center down to the bottom of the photo, resulting in the effect shown in the adjacent image.
Step 3: Click on the Create a new layer icon in the Layers panel to add another layer. Then, set the layer mode to Multiply, and press the D key followed by the X key on your keyboard to reset the Foreground/Background colors to black/white.
Using the Gradient tool, drag from the top left corner down to the bottom right corner to achieve the effect displayed in the adjacent image.
Step 4: Click on the Create new fill or Adjustment layer icon in the Layers panel and choose Solid Color. When the Color picker dialog appears, select the color black and click OK to close the dialog. Next, set the Layer mode to Color and reduce the Opacity to 15%.
Step 5: Continue by clicking on the Create new fill or Adjustment layer icon again and select Photo Filter. In the Photo Filter dialog, choose the Warming Filter (81) and set Density to 74%. Click OK to close the dialog. Finally, you will achieve the desired Camera effect.
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