Surpassing 270,000 “candidates”, the 13 flower species listed below will not only captivate you with their beauty but also astonish you as they are incredibly rare.
Top Rare and Most Expensive Flower Species in the World
Champion Flower
Champion Flower is found only in Gibraltar.
The Champion Flower is exclusively found in Gibraltar. Scientists believed that the Campion flower went extinct in 1992. However, in 1994, a single flower was discovered by a climber on the cliffs surrounding the city of Gibraltar.
Jade Vine
Jade Vine is found in the forests of the Philippines.
Jade Vine belongs to the legume family and exhibits a stunning green color. Its claw-shaped flowers can grow on vines that reach over 18 meters in length. It is exclusively pollinated by bats and can be found in the forests of the Philippines.
Parrot’s Beak
Parrot’s Beak has been classified as an extremely rare flower since 1884.
The Parrot’s Beak has been classified as an extremely rare flower since 1884. This flower was once thought to be extinct, but a few specimens were later found in the Canary Islands, its native habitat.
Marigold has a chocolate brown color, with a diameter of 3-4 cm.
This flower is only found in Mexico and has been believed to be extinct in the wild for over 100 years. However, these rare flowers were rediscovered. Marigolds have a chocolate brown color and a diameter of 3-4 cm. In summer, the petals often emit a delightful chocolate aroma.
Koki’o Flower
This flower is only found in Hawaii.
This is an extremely rare flower that can only be found in Hawaii. The Koki’o flower was discovered in 1860, but it has proven to be very difficult to preserve. By 1950, scientists thought this flower had become extinct. Fortunately, a branch of Koki’o was rescued, allowing us to admire it once again.
Kadupul Flower
This flower is classified as rare because it blooms very rarely.
The Kadupul Flower is very easy to grow, yet it is classified among the rarest flowers because it blooms very infrequently. This flower was discovered in Sri Lanka and is revered in Buddhism for its spiritual significance.
Ghost Orchid
This flower has no leaves.
This flower was thought to be extinct for 20 years but has miraculously reappeared. The Ghost Orchid is unique in that it has no leaves, thus it cannot photosynthesize and must obtain nutrients from a fungus that grows on its stem.
Golden Yellow Orchid
This flower can cost up to 5000 USD.
This wildflower is found in England and is strictly protected. A single stem of this flower can fetch a price of 5000 USD, showcasing its extreme rarity.
Youtan Poluo
This flower blooms only once every 3000 years.
The Youtan Poluo was initially discovered by a Chinese farmer in a metal pipe in his home. The flowers consist of 29 tiny pieces, are quite fragrant, and have a pure white color. According to botanists, this flower blooms only once every 3000 years.
Corpse Flower
This flower is also known as the corpse flower.
The Corpse Flower is an incredibly unique species. It lacks stems, leaves, and roots. It emits a strong odor of rotting flesh to attract flies and beetles for pollination. The Corpse Flower can only be found in Sumatra. This rare plant is known for its impressive height of up to 6 feet. The Corpse Flower is believed to be the rarest, largest, and most endangered flower in the world.
Juliet Rose
David Austin dedicated 15 years to cultivating Juliet roses, with costs reaching up to 3 million British pounds. The Juliet Rose was first introduced at the Chelsea Flower Show in 2006, creating a sensation due to its elegance and beauty. After many years of breeding and hybridizing roses, David Austin created the Juliet Rose. It features a combination of traditional flower form, densely intertwined rounded petals in a modern youthful hue: a vibrant orange-yellow on a robust stem. This rose is highly favored for weddings. Due to the meticulous care involved, the Juliet Rose can sell for millions of dollars.
Nongke Orchid
This orchid species does not exist naturally and is 100% laboratory cultivated. As a result, each Nongke orchid is sold at a staggering price: 200,000 USD per plant (~4.5 billion VND). To produce a Nongke orchid, researchers must invest up to 8 years in observation and nurturing, with 4 to 5 years spent waiting for the plant to bloom.
Gold of Kinabalu Orchid
Currently, the Gold of Kinabalu Orchid is only found in Kinabalu National Park in Sabah, Malaysia. Its name means “gold of Kinabalu” due to its value. This flower is extremely rare, blooming once every 15 years, typically between April and May. The price for one of the rarest flowers in the world can reach up to 6,000 USD per plant (~136 million VND).