These foods are loved by many, but they are not healthy at all, and can even be very harmful to the body if consumed in excess.
Foods Recognized by WHO as Cancer-Causing
1. Processed Meats
Deli meats, sausages, and bacon are favorites among many due to their convenience and taste. However, these foods often contain chemical preservatives to keep them fresh and appealing. Unfortunately, these preservatives are also cancer-causing agents.
Nitrites and nitrates found in processed meats are linked to an increased risk of cancer, especially colorectal cancer.
2. Microwave Popcorn
Microwave popcorn may cause cancer.
What could be better than enjoying popcorn while watching a movie? However, caution is advised when consuming this snack. There was a time when it was thought that inhaling the aroma from microwave popcorn bags could increase the risk of lung cancer.
This has been proven false, but science has discovered another “grim reaper.” The toxic substance resides in the non-stick coating inside popcorn bags. When placed in a microwave, the high temperature can break these coatings down into perfluorooctanoic acid compounds, which can increase cancer risk. Additionally, the glue around the bag may also release toxins when heated.
3. Sugary Soft Drinks
Similar to processed meats, soft drinks have been scientifically proven to be one of the contributors to cancer. Because they contain high sugar levels, food chemicals, and colorants, they can lead to increased acidity in the body, promoting aging and creating an environment conducive to cancer cell formation and rapid development.
4. Grilled Red Meat
Grilled red meat releases heterocyclic amines – common carcinogens.
Most people absolutely love this dish. However, scientists have found that grilled red meat releases heterocyclic amines, a common carcinogen. The National Cancer Institute in the U.S. states that cooking meat at high temperatures, like on a charcoal grill, produces strong carcinogens and increases the risk of developing malignant cancer cells.
5. Refined Sugar
Refined sugar not only increases the risk of dental cavities and weight gain but excessive consumption can lead to various types of cancer, including breast, prostate, bladder, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers.
6. Unrefined Oil
Unrefined oils are extracted from plants through complex chemical processes. These oils contain high levels of omega-6 fatty acids, which can increase the risk of heart disease or elevate the risk of skin, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers.
7. Canned Tomatoes
Most canned foods raise concerns due to consumers’ worries about the quality of the can itself. Cans are often made with a chemical called bisphenol-A (BPA).
A study published in May 2013 indicated that BPA can significantly affect gene activity in the brains of test mice.
Tomatoes, being highly acidic, are prone to leaching BPA from the can. Therefore, it is advisable not to feed this food to young children.
8. Pickled Vegetables
With pickled vegetables, improper preparation and consumption can easily lead to cancer.
Pickled vegetables, such as pickled cucumbers and eggplants, are common in Vietnamese households. However, experts warn that if not prepared and consumed correctly, they can easily lead to cancer. If the pickles are still pungent and not fully fermented, the nitrites can combine with amino acids in the food to form nitrosamines, which have been proven to be carcinogenic.
Furthermore, if not properly stored during preparation and left to ferment for too long, they can easily become contaminated with bacteria. Additionally, this dish contains high levels of salt, which is harmful to health.
9. Salted Fish
Some types of dried salted fish have a high salt concentration, while others may contain flavorings and nitrites. When nitrites enter the body, they react with proteins to form nitrosamines – a potent carcinogen. Moreover, it is one of the four primary chemicals in food pollution that can increase the potential for tumor formation in the digestive system.