If accidentally swallowed, gum base can resist digestive processes, but it will ultimately be expelled from the body after a few days.
According to Business Insider, when we chew food, our teeth and tongue work together to break it down into smaller particles. Muscle movements push the food through the digestive tract to the stomach, where it mixes with digestive juices.
Gum moves in large chunks through the digestive tract if swallowed. (Photo: GIPHI).
Meanwhile, enzymes and proteins found in saliva, stomach, and intestines gradually break down the food structure, transforming it into essential nutrients for the body. The acid in the stomach decomposes the remnants of the food to pass into the intestines and eventually be expelled from the body.
According to Dr. Jagdish Kathwate, a consultant in Neonatology and Pediatrics at Motherhood Hospital Kharadi Pune in India, gum is meant to be chewed, not swallowed. However, you don’t need to worry too much if you accidentally swallow it.
“There are no known negative effects from swallowing gum, so don’t worry. However, it can stay in your stomach for a long time before you can digest it,” Kathwate stated, adding that the gum base can even pass through the stomach and exit as waste.
Children are often warned not to swallow gum as it is said to take 7 years to digest. However, in reality, gum does not stay in the human body for years, according to Julia Zumpano, a nutrition expert at the Center for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. She indicated that it takes about 40 hours for gum to pass through the digestive system and be expelled.
Humans do not actually digest gum because the body lacks enzymes to digest certain products like gum, said Dr. Nancy McGreal, a gastrointestinal researcher at Duke University Medical Center. If a person swallows gum, it will be expelled whole. “I have performed colonoscopies in some cases and found pieces of gum that patients had swallowed. But they may have swallowed it within 24 hours, not something from 7 years ago,” McGreal emphasized.
Gum is not digested like regular food because it contains natural or synthetic rubber.
Butyl rubber, commonly used in chewing gum as well as tires and basketballs, is a synthetic rubber that contributes to the ideal chewiness of the gum.
The chewing process does not affect the gum. Therefore, when you accidentally swallow gum, it moves through the digestive tract in large chunks to the stomach. Enzymes break down carbohydrates, oils, and alcohols in the gum like they do in regular food, but the gum base is “immune” to these enzymes.
Most components of gum are indigestible. (Photo: iStock).
Can gum get stuck in the stomach?
The digestive system takes longer to process gum residue. This lengthy processing time is due to the digestive system needing to break down and reduce the gum residue. In rare cases, gastrointestinal obstruction caused by swallowed gum can occur, resulting in nausea for a time. However, there are no reports of serious side effects from swallowing gum.
What happens if children swallow gum?
Children are more likely to encounter health issues than adults when swallowing gum. If a child swallows too much gum, especially if they are constipated, they may be at risk for intestinal blockage.
The New York Times cited a 1998 study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, which described several cases of children experiencing “intestinal obstruction” from swallowing multiple pieces of gum. These pieces later clumped together with other non-food items in the child’s intestines. Intestinal blockage can lead to discomfort, nausea, and constipation.
Should children eat gum?
According to Dr. Kathwate, children can have sugar-free gum, but they should only have one piece per day. Additionally, it is best to consult a doctor before allowing children to chew gum. After chewing gum, it is important to dispose of the residue carefully.
When to see a doctor?
If you accidentally swallow a lot of gum and experience symptoms of intestinal blockage such as abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, or cramping, you should seek medical assistance.