This is the case of patient Pham Van T., a 14-year-old from Hai Duong Province. According to T.’s mother, he has developed and lived normally since childhood.
On February 16, T. exhibited symptoms of abdominal pain. Hai Duong General Hospital diagnosed him with “enlarged kidney due to fluid retention” and referred him to Viet Duc Hospital in Hanoi. Associate Professor Dr. Tran Ngoc Bich, head of the pediatric surgery department at Viet Duc Hospital, stated that T.’s left kidney appeared swollen and retained water. The doctors performed surgery to place a drainage tube to protect T.’s left kidney. Subsequently, to further investigate, the doctors conducted imaging tests and discovered an additional small kidney with an unusual shape.
Upon continuing with ultrasound examinations, the doctors identified another fluid collection and decided to perform a second surgery on March 7. During the abdominal surgery, they found a kidney measuring over 20 cm extending from near the armpit to the left pelvic cavity, with three distinct ureters from the three lower kidneys draining into the renal pelvis. Upon opening the renal pelvis, the doctors discovered four ureters from four separate kidneys that were not connected to each other, confirming the presence of four functioning kidneys.
The doctors decided to retain all four left kidneys and only removed the narrow section between the ureter and renal pelvis, reshaping the renal pelvis. T. is now eating normally and excreting 800 ml of urine daily.