Dr. Nguyễn Ngọc Huy, an expert in drought, flood, extreme weather phenomena, climate change, and livelihoods, has issued a warning: On June 13 and 14, the atmospheric pressure in Hanoi and its surrounding areas will drop significantly, leading to a stifling heat sensation.
Sudden Drop in Atmospheric Pressure
Specifically, not only in Hanoi, but also in several neighboring provinces such as Bắc Ninh, Bắc Giang, Vĩnh Phúc, Hải Dương, Hà Nam, Ninh Bình, Thanh Hóa, and Thái Bình, the atmospheric pressure will decrease to levels of 998hPa (Compared to the normal and healthy pressure range of 1007-1013hPa).
Weather expert Huy Nguyễn’s warning. (Photo: FB)
Atmospheric pressure refers to the weight of the entire column of air exerting force on a unit area. At ground level, the average atmospheric pressure ranges from 1000-1020mb and decreases gradually with increased altitude.
According to the National Technical Regulation on Meteorological Observation, the unit of measurement for atmospheric pressure is Hectopascal (hPa). This unit is widely used in meteorology and environmental measurement. Hectopascal (hPa) is also commonly used in the pressure measurement systems of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
In addition to hPa, other common units for measuring atmospheric pressure include millibar. This unit is recognized and regulated by international measurement organizations such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the World Customs Organization (WCO). It is the official measuring unit used in various industries and scientific fields. Depending on the country and region, different measurement units may be preferred.
The relationship between these units is as follows: 1 bar = 1000 hPa = 1000 mb.
Atmospheric pressure plays a crucial role for humans and the environment. (Photo: HT Vietnam)
The weight of the air increases or decreases depending on temperature, altitude, density, and humidity.
Atmospheric pressure is measured using a barometer. In a barometer, the mercury column in a glass tube rises or falls as the weight of the atmosphere changes. Increased atmospheric pressure typically brings better weather, while decreased pressure often leads to worse weather conditions.
Atmospheric pressure is vital for humans and the surrounding environment. Specifically, atmospheric pressure helps maintain the existence of water, animals, and plants on Earth.
Additionally, atmospheric pressure regulates Earth’s temperature by preventing water vapor from evaporating rapidly. It also facilitates the intake of oxygen from the air into our bodies through our respiratory system.
Changes in atmospheric pressure can lead to weather variations such as rain, wind, storms, and tornadoes.
In Vietnam, the primary atmospheric pressure system influencing the weather consists of year-round pressure centers and seasonal pressure centers.
Health Risks Associated with Changes in Atmospheric Pressure
Atmospheric scientists believe that changes in atmospheric pressure (air pressure) carry inherent health risks for humans.
Low atmospheric pressure combined with still weather often creates discomfort, lowers blood pressure, and may be accompanied by symptoms like headaches and dizziness. Sometimes, individuals may feel hot but experience difficulty sweating.
Low atmospheric pressure can lead to headaches and dizziness. (Photo: NK)
According to An ninh Thủ đô, when atmospheric pressure drops suddenly, cardiovascular diseases are more likely to recur or worsen. Numerous studies indicate that each time atmospheric pressure decreases, more positive ions are generated in the air, which can distract human attention, negatively affect mental health, and heighten feelings of sadness and anxiety. Statistical data related to this issue show that sudden drops in atmospheric pressure lead to more accidental incidents, and mental illnesses and chronic conditions tend to recur.
Sudden drops in atmospheric pressure can exacerbate cardiovascular diseases. (Photo: PNVN)
The newspaper Sức khỏe & Đời sống recently quoted expert Nguyễn Ngọc Huy, who noted that this period is also close to the Summer Solstice, which means the sun’s rays are the longest throughout the year. Therefore, the elderly, children, and those sensitive to weather conditions should limit their exposure to direct sunlight.
People are advised to use electrical appliances judiciously to avoid overloading the power system. Mr. Nguyễn Ngọc Huy emphasized that air conditioning should not be set below 26 degrees Celsius, and it is advisable to use one air conditioner for the entire house during peak hours. Additionally, it is recommended to minimize the simultaneous use of multiple electrical devices during peak times.