Are you familiar with popular free Internet calling programs like Skype, QQ, Net2phone, etc.? If you’re looking for a change, try WengoPhone, which offers many similar features and will show you that “there are always higher mountains.”
To use WengoPhone, you need to click here to download WengoPhone’s free Internet calling software, which is about 6.5 MB in size. After installation, go to the registration section and simply enter any email address, choose a username, and set a password on the WengoPhone website. Then, wait for WengoPhone to confirm your registration process is complete.
Open the WengoPhone application to enter the registered email address and the chosen password to start using the service. WengoPhone is a free Internet calling application, but it also comes with many other attractive services that rival Skype.
Click the “Add a Contact” button to add Wengo addresses you want to connect with. The Wengo menu offers a variety of attractive services such as calling from Wengo to landlines or mobile phones, from one Wengo account to another, sending texts to mobile phones, and chatting between Wengo accounts with formatted text and images that compete with any similar tools.
WengoPhone also provides all the necessary tools to find a friend’s account, any phone number, or to directly edit details in your user account.
To make Internet calls from WengoPhone to any landline or mobile number worldwide, users must pay the provider a fee that is quite reasonable, ranging from 5 to 20 Euros per month, depending on the level of service.
WengoPhone is considered an excellent product launched by the French open-source organization OpenWengo to compete with the dominant American Internet phone services. Currently, the number of WengoPhone users is still relatively low, but it is steadily increasing. On WengoPhone’s homepage, you can always see the total number of registered users, which has surpassed 800,000, including nearly 27,000 users in Vietnam. In chat mode, WengoPhone supports Vietnamese typing quite well.